PTA-5, 30m x 0.53mmID x 3μm df

PTA-5 Capillary GC Column is a specially treated nonpolar capillary column, and is primarily dedicated towards amino compounds. It is designed for analyses of amines and other basic analytes.

USP Code: This column meets G1, G2, and G9 requirements.

• Bonded
• Base-modified poly(5% diphenyl/95% dimethyl siloxane)

Temp. Limits:
• ≤0.32 mm I.D.: -60 °C to 320 °C (isothermal or programmed)
• ≥0.53 mm I.D.: <2 μm: -60 °C to 320 °C (isothermal or programmed)
• ≥0.53 mm I.D.: ≥2 μm: -60 °C to 260 °C (isothermal) or 280 °C (programmed)