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Blog posts tagged with 'reference standards'

Reference Standards | Wellington Laboratories
Reference Standards | Wellington Laboratories
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Discover Our Range of Reference Standards
Wellington Laboratories | New Native and Mass-Labelled UV-328 Reference Standards
Wellington Laboratories | New Native and Mass-Labelled UV-328 Reference Standards
Wellington New Products | Updated PFAS Solution/Mixtures for U.S. EPA Methods
Wellington New Products | Updated PFAS Solution/Mixtures for U.S. EPA Methods
Wellington New Products | Ultrashort-chain PFAS & PFAS Mixtures of Linear and Branched Isomers
Wellington New Products | Ultrashort-chain PFAS & PFAS Mixtures of Linear and Branched Isomers
Dioxin 2023 43rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) | Greyhound Chromatography

Dioxin 2023, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Dioxin 2023, Symposium datesWELCOME MESSAGE

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, we thank you for your interest in being a part of the 43rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants – Dioxin2023 to be held 10-14 September 2023, in Maastricht, The Netherlands. The first return of the meeting in Europe for the last 5 years and 12 years after the memorable Dioxin2011 edition in Brussels!

We are proud to be able to continue the tradition of the symposium series as an interdisciplinary forum for communicating scientific advances and emerging issues in a friendly atmosphere. We are even further happy as we will revive the true essence of the event as an international face-to-face meeting in Europe

As expected, Dioxin2023 will focus on the science of dioxins and additional persistent organic pollutants following major advances in analytical determination, the understanding of emission, transport, fate, degradation, toxic behaviour, regulations, along with the growing attention in developing countries and global pollution issues.

Up to 1000 delegates are expected to register for the event, classically representing more than 500 abstracts (200 are oral presentations and 300 are posters) presented in up to 5 parallel sessions during 4 days.

In conjunction with the Symposia, there will be an exhibition involving instrumentation, chemical products, accessories, analytical companies, scientific journals, legal entities, research centres… The exhibition will form an integral part of the symposia and coffee breaks will be held in the exhibition area.

We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to be a Dioxin2023 sponsor/exhibitor, and to gain from the interactions with students, academics, and science professionals from around the world. We want to maximize your organization’s exposure to this diverse group and encourage you to work with us to customize a sponsorship package for the conference that best suits your needs.

Professor J. - F. focant

Chair, Dioxin 2023

Register for Dioxin Link


Registration Now Open

Early Registration Closes: 30th June 2023

Abstract Submission OPEN, Submission closes 22 May 2023 (Extended Deadline)


The submission platform is open until 22nd May 2023

Submitters will receive notificstion in June 2023

Please read the information carefully before proceeding to the online submission.  You are invited to submit one page abstracts and/or short papers for inclusion at the symposium for either oral or poster presentations.



Session Topics


Abstracts and short papers for the following sessions:


  • Advancements in pharmacokinetic modeling of POPs and mixtures
  • Advances in the (bio)remediation of POPs
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Environmental and human exposure to plasticizers and other consumer product chemicals
  • Environmental Forensics
  • Epidemiology
  • European POPs monitoring
  • Exposome of Emerging Contaminants in the Global Environment
  • Fate and Transport
  • Fate, Detection and Analysis of Chlorinated Paraffins
  • Food contact materials
  • Formation, Sources and Control
  • From Science to Policy
  • Human Exposure
  • Legacy and Emerging Flame Retardants: Biotransformation and Toxicity
  • Legacy and Emerging Flame Retardants: Occurrence and Exposure
  • Levels and Trends (Abiotic)
  • Levels and Trends (Biota)
  • Levels and Trends (Foods and Feeds)
  • Metabolism
  • Micro(nano)plastics as Environmental Vectors for POPs and Additives
  • Organic pollutants in HBM4EU and PARC projects
  • Per and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS): Occurrence and exposure
  • Per and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS): Toxicity
  • Physico-chemical Properties and Modeling
  • POPs and microplastics
  • POPs in developing countries
  • POPs in polar regions
  • Progress in Methods for POPs Analysis
  • Risk Assessment and Risk Management
  • Screening and identification of novel contaminants
  • Status and Perspective on Waste Management of POPs
  • Toxicology


The Symposium will be held at the

Maastricht Exhibition and Conference Centre

MECC Maastricht

Forum 100, 6229 GC Maastricht, Netherlands

Tel:  +31 43 383 8383



Maastricht Conference Venue Image


Wellington laboratories will be a Platinum Sponsor of Dioxin 2023.  The 43rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

Wellington Laboratories Polar Bears

Wellington Laboratories Environmental Reference Standards and Materials

wellington Laboratories PCDD PCDF Analytical Method Solutions     Wellington Laboratories Individual PCDDs and PCDFs     Wellington Laboratories PCDDs and PCDFs Speciality Solution Mixtures

wellington Laboratories Analytical Method Solutions      wellington Laboratories Individual PCBs Mass Labelled     Wellington Laboratories Speciality Solution Mixtures of PCBs          

 wellington Laboratories Halogenated Flame Retardants      Wellington Laboratories Perfluorinated Compounds PFCs       Wellington Laboratories Certified Reference Materials

  Wellington Laboratories Additional Products

 Wellington Laboratories Catalogue Image

Browse the full catalogue for: 

  • PCDD/PCDF Analytical Method Solutions
  • Individual PCDDs & PCDFs: Native and Mass-Labelled
  • Specialty Solution/Mixtures of PCDDs and PCDFs
  • PCB Analytical Method Solutions
  • Individual PCBs: Mass-Labelled
  • Specialty Solution/Mixtures of PCBs
  • Halogenated Flame Retardants & Related Compounds
  • Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs)
  • Certified Reference Materials

Additional Products

  •  PAH Calibration Sets and Native Mass-Labelled Support Solutions 
  • Chlorinated Biphenylols (HO-PCBs), Native and Mass-Labelled Individuals, Mass Labelled Solutions & Mixtures
  • Mass-Labelled Chlorinated Biphenylols Solutions/Mixtures
  • Methoxy Chlorobiphenyls (MeO-PCBs), Native and Mass-Labelled Individuals and Solution/Mixtures
  • Triclocarban, Native and Mass-Labelled
  • Triclosan, Methyl Triclosan, Native and Mass-Labelled and Chlorinated Derivatives
  • Tris(4-chlorophenyl) Methane and Methanol
  • Chlorinated Naphthalenes (PCNs), Native Individuals and Solutions/Mixtures
  • Chlorinated Diphenyl Ethers (PCDEs), Native and Mass-Labelled,
  • Native and Mass-Labelled Chlorobenzene and Chlorophenol Solution/Mixtures
  • Mass-Labelled Chlorobenzenes, Chlorophenols, Chlorocatechols, and Chloroveratroles
  • Native Melamine & Cyannuric Acid
  • Native and Mass-Labelled Bishenol A and Native Bisphenol Analogues
  • Native and Mass-Labelled Tetrachlorodibenzothiophenes
  • Native and Mass Labelled Halogenated Carbazoles


Guidelines for the use and Handling of Wellington products

General Structure and Numbering System of Selected Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Number of Possible Isomers for Selcted Halogenated Aromatic Compounds

Exact Mass & Ralative Ion Abundance of Selected Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Molecular Ion Clusters for Cholorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Exact Mass & relative Ion Abundance of Selected Brominated Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Systematic Numbering of Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins

Systematic Numbering of Chlorinated Dibenzofurans

Systematic Numbering of Chlorinated  Biphenyls

Systematic Numbering of Chlorinated Naphthalenes


Wellington Laboratories Quality Management


Wellington Laboratories Logo


The people at Wellington are committed to the distribution of quality products as well as the maintenance of excellent customer service. In fact, in order to provide you with the best possible service, we now have three ISO certifications (ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 17034:2016) which cover all aspects of planning, production, testing, distribution, and post-distribution service. 

These certifications allow us to monitor and maintain the highest level of quality and service and also allow our customers to satisfy the requirements of their own ISO certifications. 

Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation has been certified by the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) and our scope is available for review on the CALA Directory of Accredited Laboratories (http://www.cala.ca). 

Similarly, our ISO 17034:2016 accreditation has been certified by ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and our certificate and scope are also available on their website (http://anab.org/). 

If you require a hard copy of any of our ISO certificates, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@well-labs.com

Brock G. Chittim Colleen H.M. Tashiro Nicole Riddell


Wellington Laboratories ISO Certificate   Wellington Laboratories Guide 34 Certificate  



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Dandy Vice Brochure  Chem Service Catalogue  

History of Dioxin 2022

Dioxin 2022

42nd International Symposium

on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants

October 9-14 2022, New Orleans


Confirmed Plenary Speakers

Prof. Ricardo Barra

Prof. Ricardo Barra, is a Full Professor and  Director of the Eula Chile Center, Universidad de Concepcións a Universidad de Concepción, Chile. He is environmental chemist and toxicologist.

Dr. Barra is a Biochemist and PhD in Environmental Sciences at the University of Concepción Chile, since over 25 years have been working on POPs pollution in Chile and in the south American region. He was a member of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee of the Stockholm Convention (2008-2012) and also a chemicals and waste Panel member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF, 2014-2018), his research focuses on the fate and effects of pollutants in the environment with a special interest in the fish biomarkers field and effects assessment in aquatic ecosystems and also in the interdisciplinary field of sustainability issues. Dr. Barra has also helped the implementation of risk assessment procedures for chemicals registration in the aquaculture facilities in Chile, currently is enrolled as scientific advisor of the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) based in Germany and is the Director of the EULA Chile Environmental Sciences Centre at the University of Concepción in Chile, as well as researcher of the Coastal Socio Ecological Millenium Institute (SECOS) and the Water Research Centre for Agriculture and Mining in Chile (CRHIAM). He  will lecture on Persistent Chemicals in the South American Environment: ¿Where we can go from here?.


Dr Linda Birnbaum


Dr. Linda BirnbaumA board certified toxicologist, Dr. has served as the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Toxicology Program (NTP). Prior to her appointment as NIEHS and NTP director in 2009, she spent 19 years at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), where she directed the largest division focusing on environmental health research. Birnbaum started her federal career with 10 years at NIEHS,first as a senior staff fellow in the National Toxicology Program, then as a principal investigator and research microbiologist, and finally as a group leader for the institute’s Chemical Disposition Group. Birnbaum has received many awards and recognitions. In October 2010, she was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, one of the highest honors in the fields of medicine and health. She was al so elected to the Collegium Ramazzini, and received an honorary Doctor of Science from the University of Rochester, and a Distinguished Alumna Award from the University of Illinois. At Present she is a Scholar In Residence in the Environmental Sciences and Policy Division, 2020-2025 at Duke University.


Dr Susan Burden

Dr. Susan Burden is the Executive Lead for PFAS in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development and a member of the EPA Council on PFAS. She started her career at EPA in 2010 after earning a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) provides the best available science and technology to inform and support public health and environmental decision-making. Over the past several years, ORD has been working to expand the scientific foundation for understanding and addressing risks from PFAS. Dr. Burden will give an overview of key PFAS research needs for environmental decision-making and ongoing ORD efforts to address these needs.   

Dr Gaud Dervilly


Dr. Gaud Dervilly is a researcher, holding a PhD in Food Science (2001) completed with a specialization in public health in 2009. She is head deputy of LABERCA Research Unit (INRAe/Oniris, France) and scientific adviser. She manages research projects to address chemical food safety issues to characterize consumer’s exposure and study the effects of chemical exposure, involving targeted and non-targeted mass spectrometric strategies, such as metabolomics. She is author of ~130 scientific articles (h-index 29) and received the Euroresidue Award for “Excellent Contribution in Residue Analysis” in 2012. She teaches at the academic level at Nantes University (France), is a regular lecturer at SARAF (School for Advanced Residue Analysis) and VLAG (Wageningen University, NL). Membership in scientific councils both at institutional levels (National Veterinary College, Nantes) and at international scientific event (Euroresidue, NL; International Food and Water Research Center, Singapore).

Dr. Gaud Dervilly will deliver a lecture entitled “Towards a characterization of the ever-expanding consumer chemical exposome: strategies and technical solutions”


Prof Cynthia De Wit

Prof. Cynthia de Witis a professor of environmental science at the Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University. She received her Ph.D. from the Lund University, Sweden, in 1988. She led a national study of polychlorinated dioxins and related chemicals in the Swedish environment at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, before moving to Stockholm University. Over the past 20 years her research has focussed on the analysis of legacy and emerging flame retardants (brominated, chlorinated, organophosphate-based) in indoor and outdoor environments. This has included human exposure assessments for both adults and children as well as studies of levels and trends in terrestrial and Baltic Sea food webs. Currently her research is focused on the mass balance of organohalogen compounds in a sewage treatment plant using a combination of targeted and non-targeted approaches. She is a co-lead of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Expert Group of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) since 1994. In that role, she has helped lead five international assessment reports on persistent organic pollutants, including contaminants of emerging concern, in the Arctic.

Prof. De Witt will give an overview of Recent Developments and Comparisons Regarding Organohalogenated Flame Retardants Being Found in Food Webs of The Arctic And Baltic Sea, Including Results for New Halogenated Flame Retardants such as Chlorinated Paraffins. 

 Prof Miriam Diamond



Prof. Miriam DiamondShe is a Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Toronto. Dr. Diamond research is motivated by the need to develop defensible strategies to reduce chemical contaminants in the environment and to identify and connect sources of chemical emissions to the   movement of chemicals through systems and ultimately to exposure.  She focuses on the systems with relatively high levels of contaminants such as indoor environments and outdoor urban systems.  Her methods include mathematical modelling, sampling (and developing methods to sample various environments) and analytical chemistry. 

Dr. Diamond will talk about  fate, transport, environmental analysis and human exposure to halogenated persistent organic Pollutants

Dr P Lee Ferguson


Dr. P. Lee Ferguson is an Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering at Duke University in Durham, NC. He received B.S. degrees from the University of South Carolina in Chemistry and Marine Science in 1997 before earning a Ph.D. in Coastal Oceanography at State University of New York – Stony Brook in 2002. His postdoctoral research was conducted in the area of proteomics at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, WA.  Before joining Duke, Dr. Ferguson was an Assistant and Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of South Carolina.

Research in the Ferguson laboratory is focused on Environmental Analytical Chemistry. Specifically, a major thrust of research in the lab involves the application of high resolution, accurate mass (HRAM) mass spectrometry coupled with multidimensional chromatographic separations, bioaffinity isolation techniques, and chemoinformatic methods to detect, identify, and quantify emerging contaminants (including endocrine disruptors, pharmaceuticals, surfactants, and persistent organic pollutants) in wastewater and drinking water.  His recent work has centered on the development of non-targeted analysis workflows and methods and on the assessment of polyfluorinated alkyl substances in water and wastewater.

Prof Hrissi K Karapanagioti

Prof. Hrissi K. Karapanagioti is an associate professor of Environmental Chemistry with emphasis on liquid pollution in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Patras, Greece. She has earned her Masters and PhD from the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences at the University of Oklahoma, USA. She is also an adjunct professor in the Graduate Program “Waste Management” in the Hellenic Open University, Greece and in 2012 was a visiting professor at Newcastle University, UK.

Since 2004, her research interests include plastic and microplastic pollution in terms of monitoring, plastic degradation and microplastic formation, interaction of plastics with organic pollutants and microorganisms. She is the co-editor of two books related to plastic and microplastic pollution with Springer and IWA, co-author of several papers on the same topic, and co-organizer and presenter of several sessions organized by G20, GESAMP, UNEP, IAEA, EGU, NOAA, etc. She is also interested in the development of sorbent materials such as biochars for the removal of hydrophobic organic pollutants, dyes, and metals from water and wastewater.

Her talk will provide an overview on “Microplastics: Sources to Sink and Physical and Chemical effects”




Analytical and Sampling:

  • New advances in detection and analysis of POPs in environmental and biological media.
  • Sampling, analysis and detection of PFAS and related compounds in air, groundwater, and soil.
  • Halogenated polyaromatic hydrocarbons – complex analysis problem.


Epidemiology and Risk assessment

  • Human exposure to PFAS and related substances through food containers use and other daily life objects.
  • Perfluorinated compounds in food products.
  • Exposure to halogenated POPs and Diabetes.
  • Cohort studies of POPs exposure.
  • integrating toxicology, epidemiology and exposure.


Toxicology and Ecotoxicology

  •  Toxicology and metabolism of PFAS and other fluorinated compounds.Toxicology and metabolism of mixed chloro-bromo-fluoro dioxins and furans.
  •  Xenoestrogens – activity and mechanisms.
  •  Endocrine disruption chemicals – activity and mechanisms.
  •  POPs and Ahr receptor activity.
  •  Neurotoxicity of halogenated POPs.
  •  Biomagnification and bioconcentration of nanoplastics.
  •  Cancer and halogenated POPs.


Fate and Transport

  • Air–solid and air-liquid partitioning of POPs.
  • Long range transport of PFAS.
  • Micro and nanoplastic transport.
  • Nanoplastics in ambient air particulates.
  • Detection of halogenated organics in Antarctic.
  • Modeling fate and transport of POPs.
  • Dioxins: formation mechanism, fate and decomposition pathways 


  • PFAS and other fluorinated compounds – water and leachate treatment.
  • Incineration and thermal treatment of fluorinated POPs.
  • Dehalogenation of contaminated soils and sediments.
  • Treatment of consumer products containing brominated flame retardants What to do with all this wastes? – brominated flame retardants.
  • Recycling of halogenated products– environmental risks and benefits.
  • Bioremediation of halogenated POPs.
  • Microbial degradation of PFAS, brominated flame retardants and halogenated PAH.
  • Source of halogenated compounds in the environment.

 Environmental Assessment

  • Property and activity modelling of POPs
  • Geographical and Geopolitical extend of PFAS impact.
  • Spatial and temporal trends of halogenated POPs in abiotic compartments.
  • Spatial and temporal trends of halogenated POPs in biota compartments.
  • Spatial and temporal distribution of mixed chloro-bromo-fluoro dioxins and furans in the environmental media.
  • Emissions of mixed chloro-bromo-fluoro dioxins and furans from thermal and industrial sources.
  • Halogenated POPs in developing countries.
  • Indoor concentration of brominated flame retardants.
  • Indoor concentration of fluorinated compounds.
  • Changing profile of brominated flame retardants in the environment.
  • Passive sampling methods for environmental assessment  Gulf of Mexico –levels, stratified, spatial and temporal distributions of halogenated POPs.

General Session

  • POPs Analysis.
  • POPs in Food.
  • Epidemiology and exposure.
  • Risk assessment of chemical exposure.


  • Transfer from science discoveries to policies – lessons learned from COVID-19.
  • New trends in risk assessment of chemicals exposure.


From Good Science to Good Risk Management

Environmental Image

The goal of this session is to illustrate how good science leads to good regulatory decisions, and the ultimate outcome of that process, the reduction of health and environmental risks associated with organohalogens.   Risk managers initially depend on scientific researchers to flag a need to address a specific environmental problem.  Very basic to this determination is toxicological information, and environmental and human health monitoring and analysis to highlight exposure scenarios.  Risk managers, then, depend on research to quantify the problem so that proportional action can be determined, to provide direction on how to address the problem, and also to highlight specific management measures and factors which should be taken into account to guide the management process.  Fundamental parts of this determination include the fine-tuning of analytical techniques, epidemiological research, and information on chemical transformation and physical transport of these substances which enhance our predictive abilities in determining exposure.  Research into environmental remediation techniques further expands the range of potential risk management choices.

It is proposed that this session highlight examples involving organohalogens, illustrating exactly how this process has worked, from research to regulation, and how it has contributed to good risk management decisions.

Possible sub-topics of this session include:

– Analytical innovation and the development of accurate and affordable sampling methods to provide direction in the need for and focus of risk management.

 – The development of more complex, fully integrated assessment tools to better inform risk assessment, and subsequently, risk management decisions.

–  Broad approaches to assessing risks and implications for risk management: How to maximize assessment efficiencies which in turn leads to more efficient risk management.

– The need for risk management adaptation prompted by new occurrences or new information, i.e., the re-circulation of dioxins and other POPs in Arctic regions due to global warming of frozen deposits, and determination of management approaches.

 – Global collaboration in the management of organohalogens based on the dissemination of toxicological information which in turn has prompted risk management decision and action by governments around the word, culminating in a global effort to reduce the presence of these substances.

Bio- and Phytoremediation for Clean-Up of Persistent Organic Pollutants


Plants Image

This session will concentrate on nature-based remediation options for persistent organic pollutants. Microorganisms indeed are very ‘creative’ in using all kinds of organic molecules as a source of energy. After the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, for example, it was found that most of the energy-rich hydrocarbon compounds that spilled into the ocean were ‘consumed’ by microbes, thus resolving the problem. Halogenated compounds, such a PCBs, contain much less energy than hydrocarbon compounds. Nevertheless, microbes can still use them. For PFAS, the situation is not clear yet, but in any case different from PCBs. Carbon-fluorine bonds are much stronger and thus more difficult to break than carbon-chlorine bonds. Moreover, during evolution, microbes were in contact with naturally occurring chlorinated compounds. It is therefore not surprising that when they encounter human-made chlorinated pollutants like PCBs, they don’t consider them as totally foreign. However, naturally occurring fluorinated molecules are rare, certainly those with more than one fluorine atom. Since most human-made PFAS contain many fluorine atoms, it is not evident, but not excluded, that specific microbes (or consortia of microbes) can cope with it.


Many microbes developed in close interactions with plants, either in the rhizosphere and phyllosphere or even inside the plants. Since, due to the presence of many plant exudates, the numbers of microbes in the rhizosphere are 10 and often more than 100 times higher than in the bulk soil, co-metabolization of human-made pollutants can be important. Plant thus can increase the degradation potential of pollutants, which has been demonstrated in many cases. Moreover, due to the evapotranspiration of water, plants act like ‘pumps’ and thus attract pollutants to their root zone. Plant further ‘catch’ plenty of gaseous and particulate pollutants from the atmosphere which allows the phyllosphere microbes to cope with them.

Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals (EPFRs) as a new class of pollutant

Pollution Image

In this specific session a discussion platform is suggested to the researchers worldwide to talk about “Environmental Persistent Free Radicals (EPFRs)” as new class of pollutants. The more than decadal research performed in superfund research program (SRP) at LSU about formation and toxicological consequences of resonantly stabilized radicals (lately known as Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals – EPFRs) reveals the fact that EPFRs are significant contributor on overall potency of particulate matter (PM).

It is now well-known fact that EPFRs are deriving mostly from incomplete combustion of organic materials; they are typically formed on particulate matter through interaction with aromatic hydrocarbons, catalyzed by transition metal oxides, and produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) in biological media that may initiate oxidative stress. The origin and nature of EPFRs, studied for a long time in superfund research program (SRP) at LSU since 2007, was expanded and dispersed over many research laboratories worldwide. To illustrate the importance placed on these EPFR compounds by the research community and the society at large, it is interesting to note the explosion of literature related to the topics of “EFPR” or “environmentally persistent free radicals” in the last five decades, especially with the onset of the ground-breaking research initiated at LSU in the early 2000’s.

A brief listing of the large distribution of EPFRs in different environmental samples can be outlined.

  • environmental particulates PM5,
  • contaminated soil and sediment samples,
  • Superfund soil samples in the USA,
  • samples from plants’ phytometric measurements
  • EPFRs on engineered nanoparticles.
  • EPFRs on biochars, carbonaceous adsorbents etc.

A comprehensive description of formation, characteristics, and applications of surface bound EPFRs is continuously presented in number of high-level publications.

There is also a particular interest toward formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from interaction of EPFRs with biological media, from photochemical processes occurring in the atmosphere such as a wide range of ROSs appear in the gas phase of secondary organic aerosols as very unstable intermediate products, such as hydrogen peroxide, organic peroxides, diacyl peroxide, peroxynitrite, etc., and in the particulate phase. A significant and a thorough research was reported recently about the particle bound – reactive oxygen species, PB-ROS, including neutral intermediate organics, among radicals associated with PM.

We expect an exciting discussion of detection/identification of EPFRs from combustion systems, waste incinerators, automobile combustion engines, refineries, biomass burning and many other thermal treatment sites.

Wildland and Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Firefighting 


- Current Knowledge and New Studies

Fire Image

While exposures to municipal firefighters and cancer outcomes have been studied repeatedly, much less is known about the exposures and health effects in wildland and WUI firefighters. This is despite the marked increase in wildland fires in many countries throughout the world.  This session will bring together an international group of researchers with current wildland/WUI studies to share existing results and study protocols. Members of the fire service will be invited to provide input on study design and recommendations for dissemination of study results and suggestions for and/or implementation of interventions to reduce exposures.

Sessions will cover:  

Fire effluents determination (measurements)

  • Fire effluents (WUI)
  • Personal (wristband, sensors)
  • Biomarkers of exposure (urine, blood, etc.)
  • Air/Soil/Water
  • Drones/Satelites etc.

Contamination sources

  • Workplace (PPE)
  • Firefighting techniques (foams)


  • Biomonitoring for toxicity (blood/urine etc.)
  • Cancers
  • Diseases (Cardiovascular etc.)
  • Mental health

Regulation/Guidance/Best practice

  • Cancer registry
  • Best practice/minimising exposure to toxicants
  • Preventative health screening
  • Presumptive legislation

Global Monitoring of POPs

Water Image

This goal of this session is to provide a better insight in monitoring data of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) worldwide. Since the start of the Stockholm Convention this list of POPs has gradually increased. A global monitoring program was established to follow POP concentrations in matrices such as human milk, air, and water around the world with the aim to assess temporal and spatial trends and in that way follow the effectiveness of the implementation of measures taken under the Convention. Results of such monitoring programs are coming available more and more and worthwhile to show and discuss. In addition to the global monitoring plan, results of comparable studies for other matrices are most welcome to complement this session. These studies should be geographical and temporal trend studies carried out in specific regions, such as the Arctic or Antarctica, or on various continents. Results of POP monitoring in all types of matrices, such as fish, sediment, air (active or passive air monitoring), water or human matrices are welcome. In addition to the traditional organohalogen compounds such as PCBs, organochlorine pesticides or dioxin-like compounds, results on relatively ‘new’ POPs, such as PFAS, brominated flame retardants and chlorinated paraffins are of specific interest. Also, results on some POPs on which until now relatively little information has been gathered such as kepone and toxaphene are welcome.


 Greyhound Chromatography offers a wide and ever increasing range of PFAS related products

PFAS Chromatography Consumables Catalogue


Reference Standards and Materials, Columns, vials and chromatography related consumables.

Greyhound’s extensive range covers all areas of Environmental, Petrochemical, Food, Fragrance, Forensics, Chemical and Pharmaceutical analysis, holding stock of many popular products for prompt delivery via our extensive logistics network.

Greyhound prides itself on personal service which provides prompt, efficient, cost-effective, safe delivery of all products. With state-of-the art facilities and highly trained staff, Greyhound provides technical advice and distribution of Chromatography consumables across all disciplines. Our service is designed to provide a wide range of products, to help our clients to achieve excellent, cost-effective results. Greyhound manufactures its own range of Capillary Columns, Syringe Filters, SPE Cartridges and HPLC Columns, the 'Q' Range, as well as representing the industry’s best known manufacturers.

            Wellington laboratories Logo Image  Macherey-Nagel Logo ImageQ Range Logo Image

What are PFAS?

More than 4730 compounds(1) belong to the group of PFAS (which stands for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) that have been produced since the 1940s. Since these compounds do not originate from nature, the global pollution is the result of human activity. All PFAS are of anthropogenic origin. PFAS are "forever chemicals", chemicals that are very persistent in the environment and in the human body.

General structure of perand polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

PFAS are organic compounds with a carbon chain in which hydrogen is substituted by fluorine. The carbon-fluorine bond is very strong which makes them “virtually indestructable“. The molecular structure of the PFAS provides them with non-sticky and tensid-like characteristics (because of their hydrophobic, lipophobic chain + hydrophilic head).There are polymers and non-polymers. Typical polymers are fluoropolymers, side-chain flurorinated polymers and perfluoropolyethers. Typical non-polymers are perfluoroalkyl acids (PFFFAs), perfluroalkane sulfonyl fluorides (PASF), perfluroalkyl iodides (PFAIs) and per- and polyfluroalkyl ether (PFPEs) based derivatives(2).
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) have been the most produced and studied of these chemicals.
To cut a long story short: there are many different substance groups that need to be analyzed!

Chemical Structure of PFAS

PFAS Circle of contaminated products

Where are PFAS used?


 They are commonly used because of their non-sticky and tensid-like properties for various purposes:

  • Textiles, textile coating, e.g., seat covers, carpets, outdoor clothing
  • Fire extinguisher foams
  • Food packaging, e.g., pizza cartons, paper cups
  • Paper finishing
  • Fibre coating
  • Cookware
  • Building material, e.g., water resistant lacquer
  • Further consumer products, such as: furniture, polishing and cleaning agents and creams

How do PFAS find their way into the environment and the human body?

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been manufactured for more than 80 years, but health effects were neglected for a long time. In September 2020, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a new health risk assessment related to the presence of PFAS in food(3). This is the first EFSA expert opinion in which, in addition to PFOA and PFOS, other PFAS were also included in the exposure assessment and health risk assessment.

PFAS are emitted into the environment by different pathways. For example, exhaust air from industrial sources can contain PFAS and thus are dispersed into nearby ground and water bodies. Rain and snow, for example, can eventually carry them from the air into the soil and surface waters. Particle accumulation can even cause them to travel long distances through the air. PFAS are therefore also found far from industrial production sites and human living areas, such as in sediments from the Bering Sea to the Arctic(4/5). Through volatilization from products (evaporation from carpets or home textiles treated with soil-repellent agents) or from waterproofing sprays, indoor air can also be contaminated.
Soils can also be directly contaminated, for example by firefighting foams. With the uptake of PFAS from contaminated soils and waters in vegetation and their accumulation in fish, these substances enter the human food chain. Consequently, humans absorb PFASs from the environment through food, water or air.
These "forever chemicals" also find their way into wastewater treatment facilities from household sources. They then enter surface waters via treated wastewater or remain in sewage sludge. The sewage sludge, in turn, can be used as fertilizer in agriculture, and then over time these chemicals eventually leach into the groundwater. Once there, some of the precursor compounds are transformed into the persistent PFAS.

PFAS Contamination Groups


Macherey-Nagel PFAS Products

The new special phase – CHROMABOND PFAS

Over the years many different PFAS were developed. Now, they are found in the environment (water, food, soil, animals and humans) and their problematic health effects come into play.The challenge is that current analytical methods are limited.To tackle this challenge, we developed a special phase for the enrichment of a broad range of PFAS which provides good reproducibility and high recovery rates.
This is possible due to the different interactions the sorbent combination offers. These interactions are recommended by DIN 38407-42, EPA 537.1 and 533 guidelines.

Our CHROMABOND PFAS is a polymer-based combination phase which contains a weak anion exchange functionality. The combination of different SPE phases makes it possible to use various interactions (dipole-dipole, ionic, hydrophobic, H-bond).

CHROMABOND PFAS provides several advantages

  • Solution for various PFAS substance classes
  • > 28 PFAS can be enriched
  • Sorbent retention mechanisms according to DIN 38407-42, EPA 537.1 and 533 guidelines
  • High capacity
  • High recovery rates

PFAS In Water

PFAS In Water Image

Read More - PDF Download

 This application note shows the reliable and successful determination of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from drinking water with an optimized SPE method. By using CHROMABOND PFAS it is possible to achieve high recovery rates for PFAS from drinking water with good reproducibility. By the combination of different SPE sorbents in a multi-layer column it is possible to use various interaction types like ionic, hydrophobic, hydrogen bonds and dipole-dipole for the enrichment of a broad spectrum of PFAS. In this way, a SPE method could be developed with the strength of several directives EPA 537.1, EPA 533 and DIN 38407‑42.

PFAS From Textiles

PFAS in Textiles

Read More - Download PDF

This application note describes the determination of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from contaminated clothing. It demonstrates the extraction of PFAS from clothing samples using CHROMABOND PFAS column, a special SPE combination phase. The eluates are finally analyzed by HPLC-MS/MS.

PFAS In Contaminated Soil, sediments

PFAS In Soil Image

Read More - PDF Download

This application note describes the determination of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from contaminated soils. It demonstrates the extraction of PFAS from soil samples using CHROMABOND PFAS column, a special SPE combination phase, for the methodology described in DIN 38407‑42. The eluates are finally analyzed by HPLC-MS / MS.

Certified Reference Standards for PFAS Testing,

Available from Greyhound Chromatography

       Wellington Laboratories Logo      Three Polar Bears

In response to the ever increasing demand for new Reference Standards to test for the presence of PFAS in everyday products Wellington Laboratories has increased its product line to include four new perfluoroether and perfluoropolyether-carboxylic acids (PF40PeA, PF50HxA, 3,6-0PFHpA and P5MeODIOXOAc), a perfluoroethersulfonate (PFEESA), perfluorodecanesulfonamide (FDSA-1) and N-methylperfluorobutanesulfonamide (N-MeFBSA-M).

Wellington Reporter November 2019

PF40PeA wellington Laboratories

PF50HxA Wellington Laboratories

3,6-OPFHpA Wellington Laboratories

P5MeODIOXOAc Wellington Laboratories

PFEESA Wellington Laboratories

PFAS Chemical Structure 1

PFAS Chemical Structures 2

PFAS Chemical Structures 3Wellington Reporter November 2019

FBSA-1 Wellington Laboratories

FHxSA-1 wellington Laboratories

FOSA-1 Wellington Laboratories

FDSA-1 wellington Laboratories


Wellington Reporter November 2019

N-MeFBSA-M Wellington Reporter

N-MeFOSA-M Wellington Laboratories

N-EtFOSA-M Wellington Laboratories

Greyhound Chromatography supplies an extensive range of pre-prepared and custom made Certified Reference Standards and Materials from a number of leading manufacturers, including British Pharmacopoeia (BP), Cerilliant (a Sigma Aldrich Company), Chem Service Inc., Chiron, European Pharmacopoeia (EP), Extrasynthese, High Purity Standards, Honeywell (Fluka), Laradon, NIST, Merck (Sigma Aldrich, Supelco) , Paragon Scientific, Pfaltz & Bauer, RTC (a Sigma Aldrich Company), United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), Wellington Laboratories.

Custom Mixtures manufactured by Chem Service Inc. and High Purity Standards to your specifications, fully certified to ISO 9001:2015 and accredited by ANAB to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and ISO 17034:2016. 


PFAS Plastics Pollution of our Seas and Oceans

Sea Polluted with Plastic Image

As the world wakes up to our environmental crisis it is important to note that every person living on our planet bears a responsibility for the world we have to live in.  Resources are limited and their supply is thretened by overuse and careless disregard for how resources are produced and sustained.  Whether it be our soil, air or water all are equally valuable is the quest to make our resources last and sustain our populations.  Global contamination of our seas and oceans is only the tip of the iceberg. Today's research scientists bear an enormous responsibility as they  endeavour to reduce and repair the impact we are having on our planet. 

Greyhound Chromatography supplies the world's leading scientists with analytical reference standards and materials to ensure testing of contaminants in our environment to the highest level. 

Latest Environmental News

Denmark just became the first country to ban PFAS from food packaging

Wellington Laboratories Logo Image

Denmark will be the first country to ban PFAS Chemicals, which have been linked to cancer, elevated cholesterol and decreased fertility, from food packaging, starting next year.   

PFAS substances, sometimes called "forever chemicals" because they don't break down in the environment, are used to repel grease and water in packaging for fatty and moist foods such as burgers and cakes.

What are PFAS chemicals, and what are they doing to our health?

"I do not want to accept the risk of harmful fluorinated substances (PFAS) migrating from the packaging and into our food. These substances represent such a health problem that we can no longer wait for the EU," Denmark's Food Minister Mogens Jensen said in a statement Monday.

PFAS chemicals are a family of potentially thousands of synthetic chemicals that are extremely persistent in the environment and in our bodies. PFAS is short for perfluoroalky and polyfluoroalkyl substances, and includes chemicals known as PFOS, PFOA and GenX.

They are all identified by signature elemental bonds of fluorine and carbon, which are extremely strong and what make it so difficult for these chemicals to disintegrate in the environment or in our bodies.

Under Denmark's new regulation, baking paper and microwave popcorn bags, for example, will be required to be manufactured without any PFAS.

"We congratulate Denmark on leading the way for healthier food and hope this will encourage similar action across the EU, the US and worldwide," said Arlene Blum of the Green Science Policy Institute and the Department of Chemistry at University of California, Berkeley.

FDA confirms PFAS chemicals are in the US food supply

"Given the potential for harm, we must ask if the convenience of water and grease resistance is worth risking our health," Blum said.

PFAS chemicals have been manufactured since the 1940s and can be found in Teflon nonstick products, stains and water repellants, paints, cleaning products, food packaging and firefighting foams.

These chemicals can easily migrate into the air, dust, food, soil and water. People can also be exposed to them through food packaging and industrial exposure.

A growing body of science has found that there are potential adverse health impacts associated with PFAS exposure, including liver damage, thyroid disease, decreased fertility, high cholesterol, obesity, hormone suppression and cancer.

In a statement, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration said that the substances were very difficult to break down in the environment, and some of them accumulate in humans and animals.

The ban covers the use of PFAS compounds in food contact materials of cardboard and paper. The Danish government said it would continue to be possible to use recycled paper and paper for food packaging, but said PFAS compounds must be separated from the food with a barrier which ensures that they don't migrate into the food.

PFOS and PFOA are the two most-studied PFAS chemicals and have been identified as contaminants of emerging concern by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

PFOS was voluntarily phased out of production in the United States by 3M, the main manufacturer, starting in 2000. In 2006, PFOA began to be phased out as well. PFOA and PFOS are no longer manufactured or imported in the United States, but similar "replacement chemicals for PFOA and PFOS such as GenX, may be just as persistent," Susan M. Pinney, a professor in the Department of Environmental Health at the University of Cincinnati.

The European Food Safety Agency said it is reassessing the risks PFAS pose to human health and will report on its findings in the near future.

Wellington Laboratories offer a wide range of Certified Reference Standards for Testing and Analysis of Perfluorinated Compounds.

Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs)

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are an emerging class of environmental contaminants. Their unique properties create a host of analytical challenges that require the use of native and mass-labelled standards for the generation of accurate data.

The most notable PFAS include PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonate) and PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) and Wellington currently offers multiple mass-labelled standards for these compounds to meet your analytical needs. In fact, Wellington offers a large selection of native and mass-labelled per- and poly-fluorinated compounds, including:

  •                   Perfluoroalkylcarboxylic Acids (PFCAs)
  •                   Perfluoroalkylsulfonates (PFASs)
  •                   Perfluorooctanesulfonamides (FOSAs)
  •                   Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoethanols (FOSEs)
  •                   Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acids (FOSAAs)
  •                   Telomer Alcohols (FTOHs)
  •                   Telomer Acids (FTAs)
  •                   Telomer Sulfonates (FTSs)
  •                   Perfluoroalkylphosphonic acids (PFAPAs)
  •                   Perfluoroalkylphosphinic acids (PFPi’s)

Progress and Developments from Wellington Laboratories in 2019/2020

  •          New PFAS Mixtures and Solutions

About Wellington Laboratories

For more than 40 years Wellington Laboratories Inc. has been internationally recognised as a trusted source of high quality reference standard solutions for use in environmental/analytical testing and toxicological research. Wellington Laboratories offers an extensive inventory of individual certified reference standards and solution mixtures of native and mass-labelled halogenated organic compounds including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, halogenated flame retardants and perfluorinated compounds. Wellington Laboratories also offer a variety of calibration sets and support solutions designed to be used for common regulatory methods or modified in-house methods.

Wellington’s Reference Standards are used mainly in Environmental/analytical testing and toxicological research. Wellington offers an extensive inventory of individual certified reference standards and solution mixtures of native and mass-labelled halogenated organic compounds including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, halogenated flame retardants and perfluoronated compounds. Wellington also offer a variety of calibration sets and support solutions designed to be used for common regulatory methods of modified in-house methods.

Wellington Laboratories are committed to the distribution of quality products as well as the maintenance of excellent customer service. In fact, in order to provide your customers with the best possible service, Wellington have three ISO certifications (ISO 9001:2008, ISO/IEC 17025:2005, and ISO Guide 34:2009) which cover all aspects of planning, production, testing, distribution, and post-distribution service. These certifications allow Wellington Laboratories to monitor and maintain the highest level of quality and service and also allow their customers to satisfy the requirements of their own ISO certifications.

Wellington’s ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation has been certified by the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) the scope is available for review on the CALA Directory of Accredited Laboratories (http://www.cala.ca).

Similarly, Wellington’s ISO Guide 34:2009 accreditation has been certified by ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB), the certificate and scope are available on their website (http://anab.org/).

We are able to supply hard copies of any of the ISO certificates for yourself and your customers.


Wellington Laboratories Logo

Wellington Laboratories Catalogue 2021 - 2023 

Wellington Laboratories 2021 Catalogue Cover Image

Wellington Laboratories is pleased to announce the long-awaited release of their latest catalogue which contains the most up-to-date-listing of Wellington's Certified Reference Standard Solutions, Solution/Mixtures and Calibration Sets.  Below you will find a selection of new products introduced in this new catalogue.  Amongst the new products on offer you will find a comprehensive calibration set for polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), native and mass-labelled PCN Support Solutions and additional individual organochlorine pesticide (OPC) standards. 

Wellington Laboratories also continue to offer most of the products that were listed in their previous catalogue as they have remained relevant for environmental analysis and are frequently requested. 


Alternative Method 16130 Calibration Set (16130CVS)

Mass-Labelled PCDD Window Defining Mixture (MD5CWDS)

Mass-Labelled PCDF Window Defining Mixture (MF5CWDS)

35 Individual Native OCP Standards

24 Mass-Labelled OCP Standards

PCN Calibration Set (PCN-CVS-A) & Support Solutions

27 Individual Native PCN Standards

14 Mass-Labelled PCN Standards

and more .........

Greyhound Chromatography is pleased to  represent Wellington Laboratories throughout Europe and the Middle East.  Our Sales team will be delighted to deal with your enquiry for Wellington products. Email: sales@greyhoundchrom.com

   Full Range of Wellington Laboratories' Products

PFAS and Other Toxic Forever Chemicals in Drinking Water 

Images of Drinking Water

For over 30 years the European Union have worked tirelessly to protect the integrity of our drinking water.  EU officials have recently reached a provisional agreement to update the Union's 1998 Drinking Water Directive to tighten up the permissible limits allowed for both PFAS and several other drinking water contaminants, including bisphenol-A, microplastics, lead and chromium.   The at the time of writing the European Parliament and Council are still to formally approve the proposal. 

European drinking water standards currently far exceed the standards set in the United States but this is a changing picture as state by state new instances of contaminants are emerging.  Currently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has only issued a nonenforceable health advisory of 70 ppt for PFOA, formerly used by DuPont to make Teflon, and PFOS, formerly an ingredient in 3M’s Scotchgard. Those compounds are no longer manufactured in the U.S., but they and other PFAS contaminate the drinking water for an estimated 110 million Americans. PFOA, PFOS and some other PFAS chemicals have been linked to cancer, thyroid disease, reproductive and immune system problems, and other health harms.

The european Parliament and the Council of the European Union have released new requirements for the analysis of per- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water intended for human consumption (5813/20).  This amendment to Council Directive 98/83/EC included perfluoroalkanesulfonates that are not commercially available.  In response to this Wellington Labroatories, Canada, is pleased to announce that its chemists have synthesized, purified, characterized and prepared accurate certified reference standards of the required substances: sodium perfluoro-1-undecanesulfonate (L-PFUds) and sodium perfluoro-1-tridecanesulfonate (L-PFTrDS).  Wellington Laboratories have also prepared a native solution/mixture (EU-5813-NSS) that contains all of the PFAS listed in the drinking water directive (5813/20) for your convenience.  This solution/mixture can be used in conjunction with two of Wellington's existing mass-labelled PFAS mixtures to easily prepare a calibration set for quantification. 

Suggested extraction standard mixture :  MPFAC-C-ES

Suggested injection standard mixture:     MPFAC-C-IS

Chemical Structures

Wellington L-PUds Product List

wellington Laboratories Reference standard

Wellington Laboratories Reference Standard

Wellington Laboratories Drinking water Chromatogram

Q-Range PFAS Analysis Screw Top Vials Kits, 9mm 

PFAS Analysis Screw Top Vails Kit 9mm Image

Please visit our website www.greyhoundchrom.com to view all available vials and accessories. 

Ordering Information: 

You can order on-line (registration required), www.greyhoundchrom.com 

 or by telephone, +44 (0)151 649 4000 - Sales Department

 Request a quotation: sales@greyhoundchrom.com

 General Information: info@greyhoundchrom.com

PFAS Reference Standards for Environmental Testing | Wellington Laboratories | Greyhound Chromatography

Certified Reference Standards for PFAS Testing

Available from Greyhound Chromatography

        Wellington Laboratories Logo      Three Polar Bears

In response to the ever increasing demand for new Reference Standards to test for the presence of PFAS in everyday products Wellington Laboratories has increased its product line to include four new perfluoroether and perfluoropolyether-carboxylic acids (PF40PeA, PF50HxA, 3,6-0PFHpA and P5MeODIOXOAc), a perfluoroethersulfonate (PFEESA), perfluorodecanesulfonamide (FDSA-1) and N-methylperfluorobutanesulfonamide (N-MeFBSA-M).

Wellington Reporter November 2019 PF40PeA wellington Laboratories PF50HxA Wellington Laboratories 3,6-OPFHpA Wellington Laboratories P5MeODIOXOAc Wellington Laboratories PFEESA Wellington Laboratories 

PFAS Chemical Structure 1

PFAS Chemical Structures 2 

PFAS Chemical Structures 3Wellington Reporter November 2019 FBSA-1 Wellington Laboratories FHxSA-1 wellington Laboratories FOSA-1 Wellington Laboratories FDSA-1 wellington Laboratories  Wellington Reporter November 2019 N-MeFBSA-M Wellington Reporter N-MeFOSA-M Wellington Laboratories N-EtFOSA-M Wellington Laboratories


Tel:        +44 (0) 151 649 4000   

Web:     www.greyhoundchrom.com   

Email:   marketing@greyhoundchrom.com   


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Greyhound Monthly Newsletter   


Greyhound Q-Fil catalogue  Greyhound reference standards guide   Trajan GC Supplies catalogue 

 Greyhound Chromatography Q-Range Vials Catalogue Image     Chem Service Catalogue Image  Chem Service Pesticides Catalogue Image

Wellington Laboratories Catalogue Image            PFAS EBook  PFAS Environmental EBook

                Wellington Perfluoroalkyl Compounds

Dandy Vice Brochure  Chem Service Catalogue  


About the Author

Susan MAssie, Marketing Director Greyhound Chromatography Image

Susan Massie, Sales & Marketing Director, Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals Email: sue@greyhoundchrom.com

Susan Massie is the Sales & Marketing Director for Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals, affectionately known as 'Greyhound' in our scientific community. Greyhound was founded by Susan's husband Paul Massie more than 40 years ago, Susan hasn't been in the business for all of that time but has been involved with Greyhound for over 17 years. Greyhound continues to grow, expanding into new markets and taking on the challenges of our ever changing environment. It's heartwarming to witness the world waking up to the fact that we are damaging our planet on a daily basis. Every action we take has a direct effect on our planet and the world we leave behind for future generations. Susan is passionate about climate change and is happy to work in an industry that can have a direct effect on reducing the impact of our actions on the environment. All of the team at Greyhound take our responsibilities very seriously, the products that we supply are used by the world's leading scientists and chemists as they endeavour to monitor and repair the environment. All is not lost, if we all take responsibility for our actions, from reducing our waste and reusing or recycling our material collateral we can make a difference. The internet is full of useful advice and guidance, Susan is proud to contribute to that wealth of knowledge whenever she can.

Greyhound prides itself on personal service which provides prompt, efficient, cost-effective, safe delivery of all products. Greyhound provides technical advice and distribution of Certified Reference Standards and Materials, Laboratory Consumables, Solvents and Reagents across all scientific disciplines. Greyhound Chromatography offers over 1 Million products from its UK warehouse. The team at Greyhound are proud to support the work of the world's leading scientists and chemists as they challenge the abuse of our planet and try to make a difference to the world we leave behind for our ancestors.

You can view Susan's Linked In Profile here https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-massie-79ab4121/

Certificerede referencestandarder for PFAS-test | Wellington Laboratories | Greyhound Chromatography

Certificerede referencestandarder for PFAS-test

Vores blogindlæg er ikke oversat, de er tilgængelige på engelsk.

 Du kan vælge dansk sprog for at se referencestandarder og materialer, der er tilgængelige fra Greyhound Chromatography HER Wellington Laboratories certificerede analytiske miljøreferencestandarder og materialer (greyhoundchrom.com)

Øverste række, venstre fane.

 Available from Greyhound Chromatography

        Wellington Laboratories Logo      Three Polar Bears

In response to the ever increasing demand for new Reference Standards to test for the presence of PFAS in everyday products Wellington Laboratories has increased its product line to include four new perfluoroether and perfluoropolyether-carboxylic acids (PF40PeA, PF50HxA, 3,6-0PFHpA and P5MeODIOXOAc), a perfluoroethersulfonate (PFEESA), perfluorodecanesulfonamide (FDSA-1) and N-methylperfluorobutanesulfonamide (N-MeFBSA-M).

Wellington Reporter November 2019PF40PeA wellington Laboratories PF50HxA Wellington Laboratories 3,6-OPFHpA Wellington Laboratories P5MeODIOXOAc Wellington Laboratories PFEESA Wellington Laboratories

 PFAS Chemical Structure 1

PFAS Chemical Structures 2 

PFAS Chemical Structures 3Wellington Reporter November 2019 FBSA-1 Wellington Laboratories FHxSA-1 wellington Laboratories FOSA-1 Wellington Laboratories FDSA-1 wellington Laboratories

  Wellington Reporter November 2019 N-MeFBSA-M Wellington Reporter N-MeFOSA-M Wellington Laboratories N-EtFOSA-M Wellington Laboratories


Tel:        +44 (0) 151 649 4000   

Web:     www.greyhoundchrom.com   

Email:   marketing@greyhoundchrom.com   


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Greyhound Monthly Newsletter   


Greyhound Q-Fil catalogue  Greyhound reference standards guide   Trajan GC Supplies catalogue 

 Greyhound Chromatography Q-Range Vials Catalogue Image     Chem Service Catalogue Image  Chem Service Pesticides Catalogue Image

Wellington Laboratories Catalogue Image            PFAS EBook  PFAS Environmental EBook

                Wellington Perfluoroalkyl Compounds

Dandy Vice Brochure  Chem Service Catalogue  

Dioxin 2023 | Greyhound Chromatography

Dioxin 2023 will be held 10th - 14th September 2023 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. 

Key Dates and Deadlines:

Registration Opens: March 2023

Early Registration closes: 30th June 2023

Abstract Submission opens: 6th March 2023

Abstract submission closes: 28th April 2023

More information at www.dioxin2023.org   

Dioxin 2023 

History of Dioxin 2022

Dioxin 2022

42nd International Symposium

on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants

October 9-14 2022, New Orleans


Confirmed Plenary Speakers

Prof. Ricardo Barra

Prof. Ricardo Barra, is a Full Professor and  Director of the Eula Chile Center, Universidad de Concepcións a Universidad de Concepción, Chile. He is environmental chemist and toxicologist.

Dr. Barra is a Biochemist and PhD in Environmental Sciences at the University of Concepción Chile, since over 25 years have been working on POPs pollution in Chile and in the south American region. He was a member of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee of the Stockholm Convention (2008-2012) and also a chemicals and waste Panel member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF, 2014-2018), his research focuses on the fate and effects of pollutants in the environment with a special interest in the fish biomarkers field and effects assessment in aquatic ecosystems and also in the interdisciplinary field of sustainability issues. Dr. Barra has also helped the implementation of risk assessment procedures for chemicals registration in the aquaculture facilities in Chile, currently is enrolled as scientific advisor of the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) based in Germany and is the Director of the EULA Chile Environmental Sciences Centre at the University of Concepción in Chile, as well as researcher of the Coastal Socio Ecological Millenium Institute (SECOS) and the Water Research Centre for Agriculture and Mining in Chile (CRHIAM). He  will lecture on Persistent Chemicals in the South American Environment: ¿Where we can go from here?.


Dr Linda Birnbaum


Dr. Linda Birnbaum, A board certified toxicologist, Dr. has served as the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Toxicology Program (NTP). Prior to her appointment as NIEHS and NTP director in 2009, she spent 19 years at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), where she directed the largest division focusing on environmental health research. Birnbaum started her federal career with 10 years at NIEHS,first as a senior staff fellow in the National Toxicology Program, then as a principal investigator and research microbiologist, and finally as a group leader for the institute’s Chemical Disposition Group. Birnbaum has received many awards and recognitions. In October 2010, she was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, one of the highest honors in the fields of medicine and health. She was al so elected to the Collegium Ramazzini, and received an honorary Doctor of Science from the University of Rochester, and a Distinguished Alumna Award from the University of Illinois. At Present she is a Scholar In Residence in the Environmental Sciences and Policy Division, 2020-2025 at Duke University.


Dr Susan Burden

Dr. Susan Burden is the Executive Lead for PFAS in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development and a member of the EPA Council on PFAS. She started her career at EPA in 2010 after earning a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) provides the best available science and technology to inform and support public health and environmental decision-making. Over the past several years, ORD has been working to expand the scientific foundation for understanding and addressing risks from PFAS. Dr. Burden will give an overview of key PFAS research needs for environmental decision-making and ongoing ORD efforts to address these needs.   

Dr Gaud Dervilly


Dr. Gaud Dervilly is a researcher, holding a PhD in Food Science (2001) completed with a specialization in public health in 2009. She is head deputy of LABERCA Research Unit (INRAe/Oniris, France) and scientific adviser. She manages research projects to address chemical food safety issues to characterize consumer’s exposure and study the effects of chemical exposure, involving targeted and non-targeted mass spectrometric strategies, such as metabolomics. She is author of ~130 scientific articles (h-index 29) and received the Euroresidue Award for “Excellent Contribution in Residue Analysis” in 2012. She teaches at the academic level at Nantes University (France), is a regular lecturer at SARAF (School for Advanced Residue Analysis) and VLAG (Wageningen University, NL). Membership in scientific councils both at institutional levels (National Veterinary College, Nantes) and at international scientific event (Euroresidue, NL; International Food and Water Research Center, Singapore).

Dr. Gaud Dervilly will deliver a lecture entitled “Towards a characterization of the ever-expanding consumer chemical exposome: strategies and technical solutions”


Prof Cynthia De Wit

Prof. Cynthia de Wit, is a professor of environmental science at the Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University. She received her Ph.D. from the Lund University, Sweden, in 1988. She led a national study of polychlorinated dioxins and related chemicals in the Swedish environment at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, before moving to Stockholm University. Over the past 20 years her research has focussed on the analysis of legacy and emerging flame retardants (brominated, chlorinated, organophosphate-based) in indoor and outdoor environments. This has included human exposure assessments for both adults and children as well as studies of levels and trends in terrestrial and Baltic Sea food webs. Currently her research is focused on the mass balance of organohalogen compounds in a sewage treatment plant using a combination of targeted and non-targeted approaches. She is a co-lead of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Expert Group of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) since 1994. In that role, she has helped lead five international assessment reports on persistent organic pollutants, including contaminants of emerging concern, in the Arctic.

Prof. De Witt will give an overview of Recent Developments and Comparisons Regarding Organohalogenated Flame Retardants Being Found in Food Webs of The Arctic And Baltic Sea, Including Results for New Halogenated Flame Retardants such as Chlorinated Paraffins. 

 Prof Miriam Diamond



Prof. Miriam DiamondShe is a Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Toronto. Dr. Diamond research is motivated by the need to develop defensible strategies to reduce chemical contaminants in the environment and to identify and connect sources of chemical emissions to the   movement of chemicals through systems and ultimately to exposure.  She focuses on the systems with relatively high levels of contaminants such as indoor environments and outdoor urban systems.  Her methods include mathematical modelling, sampling (and developing methods to sample various environments) and analytical chemistry. 

Dr. Diamond will talk about  fate, transport, environmental analysis and human exposure to halogenated persistent organic Pollutants

Dr P Lee Ferguson


Dr. P. Lee Ferguson is an Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering at Duke University in Durham, NC. He received B.S. degrees from the University of South Carolina in Chemistry and Marine Science in 1997 before earning a Ph.D. in Coastal Oceanography at State University of New York – Stony Brook in 2002. His postdoctoral research was conducted in the area of proteomics at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, WA.  Before joining Duke, Dr. Ferguson was an Assistant and Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of South Carolina.

Research in the Ferguson laboratory is focused on Environmental Analytical Chemistry. Specifically, a major thrust of research in the lab involves the application of high resolution, accurate mass (HRAM) mass spectrometry coupled with multidimensional chromatographic separations, bioaffinity isolation techniques, and chemoinformatic methods to detect, identify, and quantify emerging contaminants (including endocrine disruptors, pharmaceuticals, surfactants, and persistent organic pollutants) in wastewater and drinking water.  His recent work has centered on the development of non-targeted analysis workflows and methods and on the assessment of polyfluorinated alkyl substances in water and wastewater.

Prof Hrissi K Karapanagioti

Prof. Hrissi K. Karapanagioti is an associate professor of Environmental Chemistry with emphasis on liquid pollution in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Patras, Greece. She has earned her Masters and PhD from the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences at the University of Oklahoma, USA. She is also an adjunct professor in the Graduate Program “Waste Management” in the Hellenic Open University, Greece and in 2012 was a visiting professor at Newcastle University, UK.

Since 2004, her research interests include plastic and microplastic pollution in terms of monitoring, plastic degradation and microplastic formation, interaction of plastics with organic pollutants and microorganisms. She is the co-editor of two books related to plastic and microplastic pollution with Springer and IWA, co-author of several papers on the same topic, and co-organizer and presenter of several sessions organized by G20, GESAMP, UNEP, IAEA, EGU, NOAA, etc. She is also interested in the development of sorbent materials such as biochars for the removal of hydrophobic organic pollutants, dyes, and metals from water and wastewater.

Her talk will provide an overview on “Microplastics: Sources to Sink and Physical and Chemical effects”




Analytical and Sampling:

  • New advances in detection and analysis of POPs in environmental and biological media.
  • Sampling, analysis and detection of PFAS and related compounds in air, groundwater, and soil.
  • Halogenated polyaromatic hydrocarbons – complex analysis problem.


Epidemiology and Risk assessment

  • Human exposure to PFAS and related substances through food containers use and other daily life objects.
  • Perfluorinated compounds in food products.
  • Exposure to halogenated POPs and Diabetes.
  • Cohort studies of POPs exposure.
  • integrating toxicology, epidemiology and exposure.


Toxicology and Ecotoxicology

  •  Toxicology and metabolism of PFAS and other fluorinated compounds.Toxicology and metabolism of mixed chloro-bromo-fluoro dioxins and furans.
  •  Xenoestrogens – activity and mechanisms.
  •  Endocrine disruption chemicals – activity and mechanisms.
  •  POPs and Ahr receptor activity.
  •  Neurotoxicity of halogenated POPs.
  •  Biomagnification and bioconcentration of nanoplastics.
  •  Cancer and halogenated POPs.


Fate and Transport

  • Air–solid and air-liquid partitioning of POPs.
  • Long range transport of PFAS.
  • Micro and nanoplastic transport.
  • Nanoplastics in ambient air particulates.
  • Detection of halogenated organics in Antarctic.
  • Modeling fate and transport of POPs.
  • Dioxins: formation mechanism, fate and decomposition pathways 


  • PFAS and other fluorinated compounds – water and leachate treatment.
  • Incineration and thermal treatment of fluorinated POPs.
  • Dehalogenation of contaminated soils and sediments.
  • Treatment of consumer products containing brominated flame retardants What to do with all this wastes? – brominated flame retardants.
  • Recycling of halogenated products– environmental risks and benefits.
  • Bioremediation of halogenated POPs.
  • Microbial degradation of PFAS, brominated flame retardants and halogenated PAH.
  • Source of halogenated compounds in the environment.

 Environmental Assessment

  • Property and activity modelling of POPs
  • Geographical and Geopolitical extend of PFAS impact.
  • Spatial and temporal trends of halogenated POPs in abiotic compartments.
  • Spatial and temporal trends of halogenated POPs in biota compartments.
  • Spatial and temporal distribution of mixed chloro-bromo-fluoro dioxins and furans in the environmental media.
  • Emissions of mixed chloro-bromo-fluoro dioxins and furans from thermal and industrial sources.
  • Halogenated POPs in developing countries.
  • Indoor concentration of brominated flame retardants.
  • Indoor concentration of fluorinated compounds.
  • Changing profile of brominated flame retardants in the environment.
  • Passive sampling methods for environmental assessment  Gulf of Mexico –levels, stratified, spatial and temporal distributions of halogenated POPs.

General Session

  • POPs Analysis.
  • POPs in Food.
  • Epidemiology and exposure.
  • Risk assessment of chemical exposure.


  • Transfer from science discoveries to policies – lessons learned from COVID-19.
  • New trends in risk assessment of chemicals exposure.


From Good Science to Good Risk Management

Environmental Image

The goal of this session is to illustrate how good science leads to good regulatory decisions, and the ultimate outcome of that process, the reduction of health and environmental risks associated with organohalogens.   Risk managers initially depend on scientific researchers to flag a need to address a specific environmental problem.  Very basic to this determination is toxicological information, and environmental and human health monitoring and analysis to highlight exposure scenarios.  Risk managers, then, depend on research to quantify the problem so that proportional action can be determined, to provide direction on how to address the problem, and also to highlight specific management measures and factors which should be taken into account to guide the management process.  Fundamental parts of this determination include the fine-tuning of analytical techniques, epidemiological research, and information on chemical transformation and physical transport of these substances which enhance our predictive abilities in determining exposure.  Research into environmental remediation techniques further expands the range of potential risk management choices.

It is proposed that this session highlight examples involving organohalogens, illustrating exactly how this process has worked, from research to regulation, and how it has contributed to good risk management decisions.

Possible sub-topics of this session include:

– Analytical innovation and the development of accurate and affordable sampling methods to provide direction in the need for and focus of risk management.

 – The development of more complex, fully integrated assessment tools to better inform risk assessment, and subsequently, risk management decisions.

–  Broad approaches to assessing risks and implications for risk management: How to maximize assessment efficiencies which in turn leads to more efficient risk management.

– The need for risk management adaptation prompted by new occurrences or new information, i.e., the re-circulation of dioxins and other POPs in Arctic regions due to global warming of frozen deposits, and determination of management approaches.

 – Global collaboration in the management of organohalogens based on the dissemination of toxicological information which in turn has prompted risk management decision and action by governments around the word, culminating in a global effort to reduce the presence of these substances.

Bio- and Phytoremediation for Clean-Up of Persistent Organic Pollutants


Plants Image

This session will concentrate on nature-based remediation options for persistent organic pollutants. Microorganisms indeed are very ‘creative’ in using all kinds of organic molecules as a source of energy. After the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, for example, it was found that most of the energy-rich hydrocarbon compounds that spilled into the ocean were ‘consumed’ by microbes, thus resolving the problem. Halogenated compounds, such a PCBs, contain much less energy than hydrocarbon compounds. Nevertheless, microbes can still use them. For PFAS, the situation is not clear yet, but in any case different from PCBs. Carbon-fluorine bonds are much stronger and thus more difficult to break than carbon-chlorine bonds. Moreover, during evolution, microbes were in contact with naturally occurring chlorinated compounds. It is therefore not surprising that when they encounter human-made chlorinated pollutants like PCBs, they don’t consider them as totally foreign. However, naturally occurring fluorinated molecules are rare, certainly those with more than one fluorine atom. Since most human-made PFAS contain many fluorine atoms, it is not evident, but not excluded, that specific microbes (or consortia of microbes) can cope with it.


Many microbes developed in close interactions with plants, either in the rhizosphere and phyllosphere or even inside the plants. Since, due to the presence of many plant exudates, the numbers of microbes in the rhizosphere are 10 and often more than 100 times higher than in the bulk soil, co-metabolization of human-made pollutants can be important. Plant thus can increase the degradation potential of pollutants, which has been demonstrated in many cases. Moreover, due to the evapotranspiration of water, plants act like ‘pumps’ and thus attract pollutants to their root zone. Plant further ‘catch’ plenty of gaseous and particulate pollutants from the atmosphere which allows the phyllosphere microbes to cope with them.

Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals (EPFRs) as a new class of pollutant

Pollution Image

In this specific session a discussion platform is suggested to the researchers worldwide to talk about “Environmental Persistent Free Radicals (EPFRs)” as new class of pollutants. The more than decadal research performed in superfund research program (SRP) at LSU about formation and toxicological consequences of resonantly stabilized radicals (lately known as Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals – EPFRs) reveals the fact that EPFRs are significant contributor on overall potency of particulate matter (PM).

It is now well-known fact that EPFRs are deriving mostly from incomplete combustion of organic materials; they are typically formed on particulate matter through interaction with aromatic hydrocarbons, catalyzed by transition metal oxides, and produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) in biological media that may initiate oxidative stress. The origin and nature of EPFRs, studied for a long time in superfund research program (SRP) at LSU since 2007, was expanded and dispersed over many research laboratories worldwide. To illustrate the importance placed on these EPFR compounds by the research community and the society at large, it is interesting to note the explosion of literature related to the topics of “EFPR” or “environmentally persistent free radicals” in the last five decades, especially with the onset of the ground-breaking research initiated at LSU in the early 2000’s.

A brief listing of the large distribution of EPFRs in different environmental samples can be outlined.

  • environmental particulates PM5,
  • contaminated soil and sediment samples,
  • Superfund soil samples in the USA,
  • samples from plants’ phytometric measurements
  • EPFRs on engineered nanoparticles.
  • EPFRs on biochars, carbonaceous adsorbents etc.

A comprehensive description of formation, characteristics, and applications of surface bound EPFRs is continuously presented in number of high-level publications.

There is also a particular interest toward formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from interaction of EPFRs with biological media, from photochemical processes occurring in the atmosphere such as a wide range of ROSs appear in the gas phase of secondary organic aerosols as very unstable intermediate products, such as hydrogen peroxide, organic peroxides, diacyl peroxide, peroxynitrite, etc., and in the particulate phase. A significant and a thorough research was reported recently about the particle bound – reactive oxygen species, PB-ROS, including neutral intermediate organics, among radicals associated with PM.

We expect an exciting discussion of detection/identification of EPFRs from combustion systems, waste incinerators, automobile combustion engines, refineries, biomass burning and many other thermal treatment sites.

Wildland and Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Firefighting 


- Current Knowledge and New Studies

Fire Image

While exposures to municipal firefighters and cancer outcomes have been studied repeatedly, much less is known about the exposures and health effects in wildland and WUI firefighters. This is despite the marked increase in wildland fires in many countries throughout the world.  This session will bring together an international group of researchers with current wildland/WUI studies to share existing results and study protocols. Members of the fire service will be invited to provide input on study design and recommendations for dissemination of study results and suggestions for and/or implementation of interventions to reduce exposures.

Sessions will cover:  

Fire effluents determination (measurements)

  • Fire effluents (WUI)
  • Personal (wristband, sensors)
  • Biomarkers of exposure (urine, blood, etc.)
  • Air/Soil/Water
  • Drones/Satelites etc.

Contamination sources

  • Workplace (PPE)
  • Firefighting techniques (foams)


  • Biomonitoring for toxicity (blood/urine etc.)
  • Cancers
  • Diseases (Cardiovascular etc.)
  • Mental health

Regulation/Guidance/Best practice

  • Cancer registry
  • Best practice/minimising exposure to toxicants
  • Preventative health screening
  • Presumptive legislation

Global Monitoring of POPs

Water Image

This goal of this session is to provide a better insight in monitoring data of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) worldwide. Since the start of the Stockholm Convention this list of POPs has gradually increased. A global monitoring program was established to follow POP concentrations in matrices such as human milk, air, and water around the world with the aim to assess temporal and spatial trends and in that way follow the effectiveness of the implementation of measures taken under the Convention. Results of such monitoring programs are coming available more and more and worthwhile to show and discuss. In addition to the global monitoring plan, results of comparable studies for other matrices are most welcome to complement this session. These studies should be geographical and temporal trend studies carried out in specific regions, such as the Arctic or Antarctica, or on various continents. Results of POP monitoring in all types of matrices, such as fish, sediment, air (active or passive air monitoring), water or human matrices are welcome. In addition to the traditional organohalogen compounds such as PCBs, organochlorine pesticides or dioxin-like compounds, results on relatively ‘new’ POPs, such as PFAS, brominated flame retardants and chlorinated paraffins are of specific interest. Also, results on some POPs on which until now relatively little information has been gathered such as kepone and toxaphene are welcome.


 Greyhound Chromatography offers a wide and ever increasing range of PFAS related products

PFAS Chromatography Consumables Catalogue


Reference Standards and Materials, Columns, vials and chromatography related consumables.

Greyhound’s extensive range covers all areas of Environmental, Petrochemical, Food, Fragrance, Forensics, Chemical and Pharmaceutical analysis, holding stock of many popular products for prompt delivery via our extensive logistics network.

Greyhound prides itself on personal service which provides prompt, efficient, cost-effective, safe delivery of all products. With state-of-the art facilities and highly trained staff, Greyhound provides technical advice and distribution of Chromatography consumables across all disciplines. Our service is designed to provide a wide range of products, to help our clients to achieve excellent, cost-effective results. Greyhound manufactures its own range of Capillary Columns, Syringe Filters, SPE Cartridges and HPLC Columns, the 'Q' Range, as well as representing the industry’s best known manufacturers.

            Wellington laboratories Logo Image  Macherey-Nagel Logo ImageQ Range Logo Image

What are PFAS?

More than 4730 compounds(1) belong to the group of PFAS (which stands for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) that have been produced since the 1940s. Since these compounds do not originate from nature, the global pollution is the result of human activity. All PFAS are of anthropogenic origin. PFAS are "forever chemicals", chemicals that are very persistent in the environment and in the human body.

General structure of perand polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

PFAS are organic compounds with a carbon chain in which hydrogen is substituted by fluorine. The carbon-fluorine bond is very strong which makes them “virtually indestructable“. The molecular structure of the PFAS provides them with non-sticky and tensid-like characteristics (because of their hydrophobic, lipophobic chain + hydrophilic head).There are polymers and non-polymers. Typical polymers are fluoropolymers, side-chain flurorinated polymers and perfluoropolyethers. Typical non-polymers are perfluoroalkyl acids (PFFFAs), perfluroalkane sulfonyl fluorides (PASF), perfluroalkyl iodides (PFAIs) and per- and polyfluroalkyl ether (PFPEs) based derivatives(2).
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) have been the most produced and studied of these chemicals.
To cut a long story short: there are many different substance groups that need to be analyzed!

Chemical Structure of PFAS

PFAS Circle of contaminated products

Where are PFAS used?


 They are commonly used because of their non-sticky and tensid-like properties for various purposes:

  • Textiles, textile coating, e.g., seat covers, carpets, outdoor clothing
  • Fire extinguisher foams
  • Food packaging, e.g., pizza cartons, paper cups
  • Paper finishing
  • Fibre coating
  • Cookware
  • Building material, e.g., water resistant lacquer
  • Further consumer products, such as: furniture, polishing and cleaning agents and creams

How do PFAS find their way into the environment and the human body?

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been manufactured for more than 80 years, but health effects were neglected for a long time. In September 2020, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a new health risk assessment related to the presence of PFAS in food(3). This is the first EFSA expert opinion in which, in addition to PFOA and PFOS, other PFAS were also included in the exposure assessment and health risk assessment.

PFAS are emitted into the environment by different pathways. For example, exhaust air from industrial sources can contain PFAS and thus are dispersed into nearby ground and water bodies. Rain and snow, for example, can eventually carry them from the air into the soil and surface waters. Particle accumulation can even cause them to travel long distances through the air. PFAS are therefore also found far from industrial production sites and human living areas, such as in sediments from the Bering Sea to the Arctic(4/5). Through volatilization from products (evaporation from carpets or home textiles treated with soil-repellent agents) or from waterproofing sprays, indoor air can also be contaminated.
Soils can also be directly contaminated, for example by firefighting foams. With the uptake of PFAS from contaminated soils and waters in vegetation and their accumulation in fish, these substances enter the human food chain. Consequently, humans absorb PFASs from the environment through food, water or air.
These "forever chemicals" also find their way into wastewater treatment facilities from household sources. They then enter surface waters via treated wastewater or remain in sewage sludge. The sewage sludge, in turn, can be used as fertilizer in agriculture, and then over time these chemicals eventually leach into the groundwater. Once there, some of the precursor compounds are transformed into the persistent PFAS.

PFAS Contamination Groups


Macherey-Nagel PFAS Products

The new special phase – CHROMABOND PFAS

Over the years many different PFAS were developed. Now, they are found in the environment (water, food, soil, animals and humans) and their problematic health effects come into play.The challenge is that current analytical methods are limited.To tackle this challenge, we developed a special phase for the enrichment of a broad range of PFAS which provides good reproducibility and high recovery rates.
This is possible due to the different interactions the sorbent combination offers. These interactions are recommended by DIN 38407-42, EPA 537.1 and 533 guidelines.

Our CHROMABOND PFAS is a polymer-based combination phase which contains a weak anion exchange functionality. The combination of different SPE phases makes it possible to use various interactions (dipole-dipole, ionic, hydrophobic, H-bond).

CHROMABOND PFAS provides several advantages

  • Solution for various PFAS substance classes
  • > 28 PFAS can be enriched
  • Sorbent retention mechanisms according to DIN 38407-42, EPA 537.1 and 533 guidelines
  • High capacity
  • High recovery rates

PFAS In Water

PFAS In Water Image

Read More - PDF Download

 This application note shows the reliable and successful determination of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from drinking water with an optimized SPE method. By using CHROMABOND PFAS it is possible to achieve high recovery rates for PFAS from drinking water with good reproducibility. By the combination of different SPE sorbents in a multi-layer column it is possible to use various interaction types like ionic, hydrophobic, hydrogen bonds and dipole-dipole for the enrichment of a broad spectrum of PFAS. In this way, a SPE method could be developed with the strength of several directives EPA 537.1, EPA 533 and DIN 38407‑42.

PFAS From Textiles

PFAS in Textiles

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This application note describes the determination of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from contaminated clothing. It demonstrates the extraction of PFAS from clothing samples using CHROMABOND PFAS column, a special SPE combination phase. The eluates are finally analyzed by HPLC-MS/MS.

PFAS In Contaminated Soil, sediments

PFAS In Soil Image

Read More - PDF Download

This application note describes the determination of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from contaminated soils. It demonstrates the extraction of PFAS from soil samples using CHROMABOND PFAS column, a special SPE combination phase, for the methodology described in DIN 38407‑42. The eluates are finally analyzed by HPLC-MS / MS.

Certified Reference Standards for PFAS Testing,

Available from Greyhound Chromatography

       Wellington Laboratories Logo      Three Polar Bears

In response to the ever increasing demand for new Reference Standards to test for the presence of PFAS in everyday products Wellington Laboratories has increased its product line to include four new perfluoroether and perfluoropolyether-carboxylic acids (PF40PeA, PF50HxA, 3,6-0PFHpA and P5MeODIOXOAc), a perfluoroethersulfonate (PFEESA), perfluorodecanesulfonamide (FDSA-1) and N-methylperfluorobutanesulfonamide (N-MeFBSA-M).

Wellington Reporter November 2019

PF40PeA wellington Laboratories

PF50HxA Wellington Laboratories

3,6-OPFHpA Wellington Laboratories

P5MeODIOXOAc Wellington Laboratories

PFEESA Wellington Laboratories

PFAS Chemical Structure 1

PFAS Chemical Structures 2

PFAS Chemical Structures 3Wellington Reporter November 2019

FBSA-1 Wellington Laboratories

FHxSA-1 wellington Laboratories

FOSA-1 Wellington Laboratories

FDSA-1 wellington Laboratories


Wellington Reporter November 2019

N-MeFBSA-M Wellington Reporter

N-MeFOSA-M Wellington Laboratories

N-EtFOSA-M Wellington Laboratories

Greyhound Chromatography supplies an extensive range of pre-prepared and custom made Certified Reference Standards and Materials from a number of leading manufacturers, including British Pharmacopoeia (BP), Cerilliant (a Sigma Aldrich Company), Chem Service Inc., Chiron, European Pharmacopoeia (EP), Extrasynthese, High Purity Standards, Honeywell (Fluka), Laradon, NIST, Merck (Sigma Aldrich, Supelco) , Paragon Scientific, Pfaltz & Bauer, RTC (a Sigma Aldrich Company), United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), Wellington Laboratories.

Custom Mixtures manufactured by Chem Service Inc. and High Purity Standards to your specifications, fully certified to ISO 9001:2015 and accredited by ANAB to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and ISO 17034:2016. 


PFAS Plastics Pollution of our Seas and Oceans

Sea Polluted with Plastic Image

As the world wakes up to our environmental crisis it is important to note that every person living on our planet bears a responsibility for the world we have to live in.  Resources are limited and their supply is thretened by overuse and careless disregard for how resources are produced and sustained.  Whether it be our soil, air or water all are equally valuable is the quest to make our resources last and sustain our populations.  Global contamination of our seas and oceans is only the tip of the iceberg. Today's research scientists bear an enormous responsibility as they  endeavour to reduce and repair the impact we are having on our planet. 

Greyhound Chromatography supplies the world's leading scientists with analytical reference standards and materials to ensure testing of contaminants in our environment to the highest level. 

Latest Environmental News

Denmark just became the first country to ban PFAS from food packaging

Wellington Laboratories Logo Image

Denmark will be the first country to ban PFAS Chemicals, which have been linked to cancer, elevated cholesterol and decreased fertility, from food packaging, starting next year.   

PFAS substances, sometimes called "forever chemicals" because they don't break down in the environment, are used to repel grease and water in packaging for fatty and moist foods such as burgers and cakes.

What are PFAS chemicals, and what are they doing to our health?

"I do not want to accept the risk of harmful fluorinated substances (PFAS) migrating from the packaging and into our food. These substances represent such a health problem that we can no longer wait for the EU," Denmark's Food Minister Mogens Jensen said in a statement Monday.

PFAS chemicals are a family of potentially thousands of synthetic chemicals that are extremely persistent in the environment and in our bodies. PFAS is short for perfluoroalky and polyfluoroalkyl substances, and includes chemicals known as PFOS, PFOA and GenX.

They are all identified by signature elemental bonds of fluorine and carbon, which are extremely strong and what make it so difficult for these chemicals to disintegrate in the environment or in our bodies.

Under Denmark's new regulation, baking paper and microwave popcorn bags, for example, will be required to be manufactured without any PFAS.

"We congratulate Denmark on leading the way for healthier food and hope this will encourage similar action across the EU, the US and worldwide," said Arlene Blum of the Green Science Policy Institute and the Department of Chemistry at University of California, Berkeley.

FDA confirms PFAS chemicals are in the US food supply

"Given the potential for harm, we must ask if the convenience of water and grease resistance is worth risking our health," Blum said.

PFAS chemicals have been manufactured since the 1940s and can be found in Teflon nonstick products, stains and water repellants, paints, cleaning products, food packaging and firefighting foams.

These chemicals can easily migrate into the air, dust, food, soil and water. People can also be exposed to them through food packaging and industrial exposure.

A growing body of science has found that there are potential adverse health impacts associated with PFAS exposure, including liver damage, thyroid disease, decreased fertility, high cholesterol, obesity, hormone suppression and cancer.

In a statement, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration said that the substances were very difficult to break down in the environment, and some of them accumulate in humans and animals.

The ban covers the use of PFAS compounds in food contact materials of cardboard and paper. The Danish government said it would continue to be possible to use recycled paper and paper for food packaging, but said PFAS compounds must be separated from the food with a barrier which ensures that they don't migrate into the food.

PFOS and PFOA are the two most-studied PFAS chemicals and have been identified as contaminants of emerging concern by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

PFOS was voluntarily phased out of production in the United States by 3M, the main manufacturer, starting in 2000. In 2006, PFOA began to be phased out as well. PFOA and PFOS are no longer manufactured or imported in the United States, but similar "replacement chemicals for PFOA and PFOS such as GenX, may be just as persistent," Susan M. Pinney, a professor in the Department of Environmental Health at the University of Cincinnati.

The European Food Safety Agency said it is reassessing the risks PFAS pose to human health and will report on its findings in the near future.

Wellington Laboratories offer a wide range of Certified Reference Standards for Testing and Analysis of Perfluorinated Compounds.

Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs)

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are an emerging class of environmental contaminants. Their unique properties create a host of analytical challenges that require the use of native and mass-labelled standards for the generation of accurate data.

The most notable PFAS include PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonate) and PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) and Wellington currently offers multiple mass-labelled standards for these compounds to meet your analytical needs. In fact, Wellington offers a large selection of native and mass-labelled per- and poly-fluorinated compounds, including:

  •                   Perfluoroalkylcarboxylic Acids (PFCAs)
  •                   Perfluoroalkylsulfonates (PFASs)
  •                   Perfluorooctanesulfonamides (FOSAs)
  •                   Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoethanols (FOSEs)
  •                   Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acids (FOSAAs)
  •                   Telomer Alcohols (FTOHs)
  •                   Telomer Acids (FTAs)
  •                   Telomer Sulfonates (FTSs)
  •                   Perfluoroalkylphosphonic acids (PFAPAs)
  •                   Perfluoroalkylphosphinic acids (PFPi’s)

Progress and Developments from Wellington Laboratories in 2019/2020

  •          New PFAS Mixtures and Solutions

About Wellington Laboratories

For more than 40 years Wellington Laboratories Inc. has been internationally recognised as a trusted source of high quality reference standard solutions for use in environmental/analytical testing and toxicological research. Wellington Laboratories offers an extensive inventory of individual certified reference standards and solution mixtures of native and mass-labelled halogenated organic compounds including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, halogenated flame retardants and perfluorinated compounds. Wellington Laboratories also offer a variety of calibration sets and support solutions designed to be used for common regulatory methods or modified in-house methods.

Wellington’s Reference Standards are used mainly in Environmental/analytical testing and toxicological research. Wellington offers an extensive inventory of individual certified reference standards and solution mixtures of native and mass-labelled halogenated organic compounds including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, halogenated flame retardants and perfluoronated compounds. Wellington also offer a variety of calibration sets and support solutions designed to be used for common regulatory methods of modified in-house methods.

Wellington Laboratories are committed to the distribution of quality products as well as the maintenance of excellent customer service. In fact, in order to provide your customers with the best possible service, Wellington have three ISO certifications (ISO 9001:2008, ISO/IEC 17025:2005, and ISO Guide 34:2009) which cover all aspects of planning, production, testing, distribution, and post-distribution service. These certifications allow Wellington Laboratories to monitor and maintain the highest level of quality and service and also allow their customers to satisfy the requirements of their own ISO certifications.

Wellington’s ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation has been certified by the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) the scope is available for review on the CALA Directory of Accredited Laboratories (http://www.cala.ca).

Similarly, Wellington’s ISO Guide 34:2009 accreditation has been certified by ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB), the certificate and scope are available on their website (http://anab.org/).

We are able to supply hard copies of any of the ISO certificates for yourself and your customers.


Wellington Laboratories Logo

Wellington Laboratories Catalogue 2021 - 2023 

Wellington Laboratories 2021 Catalogue Cover Image

Wellington Laboratories is pleased to announce the long-awaited release of their latest catalogue which contains the most up-to-date-listing of Wellington's Certified Reference Standard Solutions, Solution/Mixtures and Calibration Sets.  Below you will find a selection of new products introduced in this new catalogue.  Amongst the new products on offer you will find a comprehensive calibration set for polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), native and mass-labelled PCN Support Solutions and additional individual organochlorine pesticide (OPC) standards. 

Wellington Laboratories also continue to offer most of the products that were listed in their previous catalogue as they have remained relevant for environmental analysis and are frequently requested. 


Alternative Method 16130 Calibration Set (16130CVS)

Mass-Labelled PCDD Window Defining Mixture (MD5CWDS)

Mass-Labelled PCDF Window Defining Mixture (MF5CWDS)

35 Individual Native OCP Standards

24 Mass-Labelled OCP Standards

PCN Calibration Set (PCN-CVS-A) & Support Solutions

27 Individual Native PCN Standards

14 Mass-Labelled PCN Standards

and more .........

Greyhound Chromatography is pleased to  represent Wellington Laboratories throughout Europe and the Middle East.  Our Sales team will be delighted to deal with your enquiry for Wellington products. Email: sales@greyhoundchrom.com

   Full Range of Wellington Laboratories' Products

PFAS and Other Toxic Forever Chemicals in Drinking Water 

Images of Drinking Water

For over 30 years the European Union have worked tirelessly to protect the integrity of our drinking water.  EU officials have recently reached a provisional agreement to update the Union's 1998 Drinking Water Directive to tighten up the permissible limits allowed for both PFAS and several other drinking water contaminants, including bisphenol-A, microplastics, lead and chromium.   The at the time of writing the European Parliament and Council are still to formally approve the proposal. 

European drinking water standards currently far exceed the standards set in the United States but this is a changing picture as state by state new instances of contaminants are emerging.  Currently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has only issued a nonenforceable health advisory of 70 ppt for PFOA, formerly used by DuPont to make Teflon, and PFOS, formerly an ingredient in 3M’s Scotchgard. Those compounds are no longer manufactured in the U.S., but they and other PFAS contaminate the drinking water for an estimated 110 million Americans. PFOA, PFOS and some other PFAS chemicals have been linked to cancer, thyroid disease, reproductive and immune system problems, and other health harms.

The european Parliament and the Council of the European Union have released new requirements for the analysis of per- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water intended for human consumption (5813/20).  This amendment to Council Directive 98/83/EC included perfluoroalkanesulfonates that are not commercially available.  In response to this Wellington Labroatories, Canada, is pleased to announce that its chemists have synthesized, purified, characterized and prepared accurate certified reference standards of the required substances: sodium perfluoro-1-undecanesulfonate (L-PFUds) and sodium perfluoro-1-tridecanesulfonate (L-PFTrDS).  Wellington Laboratories have also prepared a native solution/mixture (EU-5813-NSS) that contains all of the PFAS listed in the drinking water directive (5813/20) for your convenience.  This solution/mixture can be used in conjunction with two of Wellington's existing mass-labelled PFAS mixtures to easily prepare a calibration set for quantification. 

Suggested extraction standard mixture :  MPFAC-C-ES

Suggested injection standard mixture:     MPFAC-C-IS

Chemical Structures

Wellington L-PUds Product List

wellington Laboratories Reference standard

Wellington Laboratories Reference Standard

Wellington Laboratories Drinking water Chromatogram

Q-Range PFAS Analysis Screw Top Vials Kits, 9mm 

PFAS Analysis Screw Top Vails Kit 9mm Image

Please visit our website www.greyhoundchrom.com to view all available vials and accessories. 

Ordering Information: 

You can order on-line (registration required), www.greyhoundchrom.com 

 or by telephone, +44 (0)151 649 4000 - Sales Department

 Request a quotation: sales@greyhoundchrom.com

 General Information: info@greyhoundchrom.com


Tel:        +44 (0) 151 649 4000   

Web:     www.greyhoundchrom.com   

Email:   marketing@greyhoundchrom.com   


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Greyhound Monthly Newsletter   


Greyhound Q-Fil catalogue  Greyhound reference standards guide   Trajan GC Supplies catalogue 

 Greyhound Chromatography Q-Range Vials Catalogue Image     Chem Service Catalogue Image  Chem Service Pesticides Catalogue Image

Wellington Laboratories Catalogue Image            PFAS EBook  PFAS Environmental EBook

                Wellington Perfluoroalkyl Compounds

Dandy Vice Brochure  Chem Service Catalogue  


About the Author

Susan MAssie, Marketing Director Greyhound Chromatography Image

Susan Massie, Sales & Marketing Director, Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals Email: sue@greyhoundchrom.com

Susan Massie is the Sales & Marketing Director for Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals, affectionately known as 'Greyhound' in our scientific community. Greyhound was founded by Susan's husband Paul Massie more than 40 years ago, Susan hasn't been in the business for all of that time but has been involved with Greyhound for over 17 years. Greyhound continues to grow, expanding into new markets and taking on the challenges of our ever changing environment. It's heartwarming to witness the world waking up to the fact that we are damaging our planet on a daily basis. Every action we take has a direct effect on our planet and the world we leave behind for future generations. Susan is passionate about climate change and is happy to work in an industry that can have a direct effect on reducing the impact of our actions on the environment. All of the team at Greyhound take our responsibilities very seriously, the products that we supply are used by the world's leading scientists and chemists as they endeavour to monitor and repair the environment. All is not lost, if we all take responsibility for our actions, from reducing our waste and reusing or recycling our material collateral we can make a difference. The internet is full of useful advice and guidance, Susan is proud to contribute to that wealth of knowledge whenever she can.

Greyhound prides itself on personal service which provides prompt, efficient, cost-effective, safe delivery of all products. Greyhound provides technical advice and distribution of Certified Reference Standards and Materials, Laboratory Consumables, Solvents and Reagents across all scientific disciplines. Greyhound Chromatography offers over 1 Million products from its UK warehouse. The team at Greyhound are proud to support the work of the world's leading scientists and chemists as they challenge the abuse of our planet and try to make a difference to the world we leave behind for our ancestors.

You can view Susan's Linked In Profile here https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-massie-79ab4121/

Wellington Laboratories Reference Standards | Greyhound Chromatography

 Wellington Laboratories Logo

 Wellington Laboratories Catalogue 2021 - 2023  

Wellington Laboratories 2021 Catalogue Cover Image

In 2022 Wellington Laboratories announced the long-awaited release of their latest catalogue which contains the most up-to-date-listing of Wellington's Certified Reference Standard Solutions, Solution/Mixtures and Calibration Sets.  Below you will find a selection of new products introduced in this new catalogue.  Amongst the new products on offer you will find a comprehensive calibration set for polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), native and mass-labelled PCN Support Solutions and additional individual organochlorine pesticide (OPC) standards. 

Wellington Laboratories also continue to offer most of the products that were listed in their previous catalogue as they have remained relevant for environmental analysis and are frequently requested. 


Alternative Method 16130 Calibration Set (16130CVS)

Mass-Labelled PCDD Window Defining Mixture(MD5CWDS)

Mass-Labelled PCDF Window Defining Mixture(MF5CWDS)

35 Individual Native OCP Standards

24 Mass-Labelled OCP Standards

PCN Calibration Set (PCN-CVS-A) & Support Solutions

27 Individual Native PCN Standards

14 Mass-Labelled PCN Standards

and more .........

Greyhound Chromatography is pleased to  represent Wellington Laboratories throughout Europe and the Middle East.  Our Sales team will be delighted to deal with your enquiry for Wellington products. Email: sales@greyhoundchrom.com

Other Wellington Laboratories Products

Native Certified Reference Standards for L-PFUdS & L-PFTrDS

In early 2020 the european Parliament and the Council of the european Union released new requirements for the analysis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl sunbstances (PFAS) in water intended for human consumption (5813/20).  Unfortunately this amendment to Council Directive 98/83/EC included perfluoroalkanesulfonates that were not comercailly available.  In response to this, Wellington Laboratories synthesized, purified, characterised and prepared accurate Certified Reference Standards of the required substances: sodium perfluoro-1-undecanesulfonate (L-PFUdS) and sodium perfluoro-1-tridecanesulfonate (L-PFTrDS).  Wellington Laboratories have also prepared a native solution/mixture (EU-5813-NSS) that contains all of the PFAS listed in the drinking water directive (5813/20) for your convenience.  This solution/mixture can be used in conjunction with two of our exisiting mass-labelled PFAS mixtures to easily prepare a calibration set for quantitation:

Suggested Extraction Standard Mixture:  MPFAC-C-ES

Suggested Injection Standard mixture:    MPFAC-C-IS

Wellington Laboratories PFAS Structures

Wellington Reporter November 2020

 Wellington Reporter 12 November 2020

 Wellington Reporter November 2020

Wellington Reporter Chromatogram November 2020


Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs)

Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) are an emerging class of environmental contaminants. Their unique properties create a host of analytical challenges that require the use of native and mass-labelled standards for the generation of accurate data. The most notable PFCs include PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonate) and PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) and Wellington currently offers multiple mass-labelled standards for these compounds to meet your analytical needs. In fact, Wellington offers a large selection of native and mass-labelled per- and poly-fluorinated compounds, including:

Perfluoroalkylcarboxylic Acids (PFCAs)
Perfluoroalkylsulfonates (PFASs)
Perfluorooctanesulfonamides (FOSAs)
Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoethanols (FOSEs)
Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acids (FOSAAs)
Telomer Alcohols (FTOHs)
Telomer Acids (FTAs)
Telomer Sulfonates (FTSs)
Perfluoroalkylphosphonic acids (PFAPAs)
Perfluoroalkylphosphinic acids (PFPi’s)

These products can be found on Pages 141 - 159 of the current Wellington Laboratories Catalogue.


Wellington Reporter - Native and Mass-Labelled Organochlorine Pesticides - August 27, 2018 

Native and Mass-Labelled Organochlorine Pesticides

In response to customer requests, Wellington Laboratories is proud to announce a new line of native and mass-labelled Organochlorine Pesticides (OC Pesticides).  To start, Wellington Laboratories are introducing solution/mixtures that contain select OC pesticides, and related compounds, that are listed in the Stockholm convention. 

Wellington Reporter Snip May 21 1

Wellington reporter Snip May 2021 2

    Wellington Reporter November 2020

Wellington reporter November 2020


Wellington reporter May 2021

Wellington Reporter November 2020

Also Available from Wellington Laboratories:

Mass-Labelled anti-Dechlorane Plus Ma-DP ,  Wellington Laboratories Certified Reference Standard

Wellington Reporter Mass-Labelled anti-Dechlorane Plus Ma-DP - August 27, 2018

Dechlorane Plus® (DP) is a current use additive polychlorinated flame retardant with a variety of applications including electronic cables and wiring, and plastic building materials.  Due to rising concerns regarding the presence of DP, and its related compounds, in environmental samples, Wellington Laboratories has expanded their DP product line to include a mass-labelled anti-DP certified reference standard which will aid in the analysis of this group of compounds. 


Mass-Labelled anti-Dechlorane Plus Ma-DP chemical structure

Wellington Reporter Extract

 Further Information about Wellington Products 

Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) Certified Reference Standards

Wellington Laboratories started to synthesize perfluorinated compounds in 2004 and since then has regularly added new native and mass-labelled standards to their inventory.   In the current Wellington Laboratories catalogue, pages 141 - 159 yiou will find individual standards of the following groups of compounds including, in most cases, mass-labelled analogues as well as some useful soultions/mixtures:

PFC-C-CVS Calibration Set and Support Solutions

Perfluoroalkanesulfonates (PFASs)

Perfluoroalkylcarboxylic acide (PFCAs)

Perfluorooctanesulfonamides (FOSAs)

Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoethanols (FOSEs)

Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic (FOSAAs)

Fluorinated Telomer Alcohols (FTOHs)

Fluorinated Telomer Acids (FTAs)

Unsaturanted Telomer Acids (FTUAs)

Perfluoroalkylphosphonic Acids (PFAPAs)

Perfluoroalkylphosphonic Acids (X:XPFPi)

Polyfluorinated Phosphate Esters (PAPs and SAmPAPs)

Fluorinated Telomer Acrylates and Acetates (FTAcrs and FTOAcs)


PFCs are still emerging environmental contaminents and each of the groups of compounds listed above pose unique analytical challenges.  In addition, the individual isomers, such as the branched PFOA and PFOS isomers, are being found to have different toxicokinetic and ecokinetic properties.  Thus Weliington Laboratories' inventory  of PFCs will continue to grow, please visit Wellington's website www.well-labs.com for announcements of new products. 

Full Range of Wellington Laboratories' Products

Posters Presented by Wellington Laboratories  Tree Frog


Debrominatiobn of PBDEs in DE-83 [TM] Technical mIx By Electrolysis

Scientists from Wellington Laboratories attend conferences and workshops on a regular basis. We believe that staying up-to-date with emerging environmental contaminants and global regulations allows us to offer the most relevant reference standards to our customers.

Attending conferences also allows us to share some of the research that is conducted at our facility in Guelph through poster and oral presentations. A few examples of posters presented by Wellington are provided below for your review.


Additional Products

Browse the full catalogue for:


  • PCDD/PCDF Analytical Method Solutions
  • Individual PCDDs & PCDFs: Native and Mass-Labelled
  • Specialty Solution/Mixtures of PCDDs and PCDFs
  • PCB Analytical Method Solutions
  • Individual PCBs: Mass-Labelled
  • Specialty Solution/Mixtures of PCBs
  • Halogenated Flame Retardants & Related Compounds
  • Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs)
  • Certified Reference Materials

Additional Products

    • PAH Calibration Sets and Native Mass-Labelled Support Solutions
    • Chlorinated Biphenylols (HO-PCBs), Native and Mass-Labelled Individuals, Mass Labelled Solutions & Mixtures, Pages 174 
    • Mass-Labelled Chlorinated Biphenylols Solutions/Mixtures
    • Methoxy Chlorobiphenyls (MeO-PCBs), Native and Mass-Labelled Individuals and Solution/Mixtures
    • Triclocarban, Native and Mass-Labelled
    • Triclosan, Methyl Triclosan, Native and Mass-Labelled and Chlorinated Derivatives
    • Tris(4-chlorophenyl) Methane and Methanol
    • Chlorinated Naphthalenes (PCNs), Native Individuals and Solutions/Mixtures
    • Chlorinated Diphenyl Ethers (PCDEs), Native and Mass-Labelled 
    • Native and Mass-Labelled Chlorobenzene and Chlorophenol Solution/Mixtures
    • Mass-Labelled Chlorobenzenes, Chlorophenols, Chlorocatechols, and Chloroveratroles
    • Native Melamine & Cyannuric Acid
    • Native and Mass-Labelled Bishenol A and Native Bisphenol Analogues
    • Native and Mass-Labelled Tetrachlorodibenzothiophenes
    • Native and Mass Labelled Halogenated Carbazoles

Guidelines for the use and Handling of Wellington products

General Structure and Numbering System of Selected Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Number of Possible Isomers for Selcted Halogenated Aromatic Compounds

Exact Mass & Ralative Ion Abundance of Selected Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Molecular Ion Clusters for Cholorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Exact Mass & relative Ion Abundance of Selected Brominated Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Systematic Numbering of Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins

Systematic Numbering of Chlorinated Dibenzofurans

Systematic Numbering of Chlorinated  Biphenyls

Systematic Numbering of Chlorinated Naphthalenes

We also offer solutions to test the resolution of common HRGC columns for 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF and set retention time windows for PCDD and PCDF congener groups.

Wellington Laboratories Quality Management


Wellington Laboratories Logo


The people at Wellington are committed to the distribution of quality products as well as the maintenance of excellent customer service. In fact, in order to provide you with the best possible service, we now have three ISO certifications (ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 17034:2016) which cover all aspects of planning, production, testing, distribution, and post-distribution service. 

These certifications allow us to monitor and maintain the highest level of quality and service and also allow our customers to satisfy the requirements of their own ISO certifications. 

Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation has been certified by the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) and our scope is available for review on the CALA Directory of Accredited Laboratories (http://www.cala.ca). 

Similarly, our ISO 17034:2016 accreditation has been certified by ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and our certificate and scope are also available on their website (http://anab.org/). 

If you require a hard copy of any of our ISO certificates, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@well-labs.com

Brock G. Chittim Colleen H.M. Tashiro Nicole Riddell


Wellington Laboratories ISO Certificate   Wellington Laboratories Guide 34 Certificate  


About Wellington Laboratories

For Over 35 years Wellington Laboratories Inc. has been internationally recognised as a trusted source of high quality reference standard solutions for use in environmental/analytical testing and toxicological research. Wellington Laboratories offers an extensive inventory of individual certified reference standards and solution mixtures of native and mass-labelled halogenated organic compounds including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, halogenated flame retardants and perfluorinated compounds. Wellington Laboratories also offer a variety of calibration sets and support solutions designed to be used for common regulatory methods or modified in-house methods.

Wellington’s Reference Standards are used mainly in Environmental/analytical testing and toxicological research. Wellington offers an extensive inventory of individual certified reference standards and solution mixtures of native and mass-labelled halogenated organic compounds including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, halogenated flame retardants and perfluoronated compounds. Wellington also offer a variety of calibration sets and support solutions designed to be used for common regulatory methods of modified in-house methods.

Wellington Laboratories are committed to the distribution of quality products as well as the maintenance of excellent customer service. In fact, in order to provide your customers with the best possible service, Wellington have three ISO certifications (ISO 9001:2008, ISO/IEC 17025:2005, and ISO Guide 34:2009) which cover all aspects of planning, production, testing, distribution, and post-distribution service. These certifications allow Wellington Laboratories to monitor and maintain the highest level of quality and service and also allow their customers to satisfy the requirements of their own ISO certifications.

Wellington’s ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation has been certified by the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) the scope is available for review on the CALA Directory of Accredited Laboratories (http://www.cala.ca).

Similarly, Wellington’s ISO Guide 34:2009 accreditation has been certified by ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB), the certificate and scope are available on their website (http://anab.org/).

We are able to supply hard copies of any of the ISO certificates for yourself and your customers.


Tel:        +44 (0) 151 649 4000   

Web:     www.greyhoundchrom.com   

Email:   marketing@greyhoundchrom.com   


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Greyhound Monthly Newsletter   


Greyhound Q-Fil catalogue  Greyhound reference standards guide   Trajan GC Supplies catalogue 

 Greyhound Chromatography Q-Range Vials Catalogue Image     Chem Service Catalogue Image  Chem Service Pesticides Catalogue Image

Wellington Laboratories Catalogue Image            PFAS EBook  PFAS Environmental EBook

                Wellington Perfluoroalkyl Compounds

Dandy Vice Brochure  Chem Service Catalogue  


About the Author

Susan MAssie, Marketing Director Greyhound Chromatography Image

Susan Massie, Sales & Marketing Director, Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals Email: sue@greyhoundchrom.com

Susan Massie is the Sales & Marketing Director for Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals, affectionately known as 'Greyhound' in our scientific community. Greyhound was founded by Susan's husband Paul Massie more than 40 years ago, Susan hasn't been in the business for all of that time but has been involved with Greyhound for over 17 years. Greyhound continues to grow, expanding into new markets and taking on the challenges of our ever changing environment. It's heartwarming to witness the world waking up to the fact that we are damaging our planet on a daily basis. Every action we take has a direct effect on our planet and the world we leave behind for future generations. Susan is passionate about climate change and is happy to work in an industry that can have a direct effect on reducing the impact of our actions on the environment. All of the team at Greyhound take our responsibilities very seriously, the products that we supply are used by the world's leading scientists and chemists as they endeavour to monitor and repair the environment. All is not lost, if we all take responsibility for our actions, from reducing our waste and reusing or recycling our material collateral we can make a difference. The internet is full of useful advice and guidance, Susan is proud to contribute to that wealth of knowledge whenever she can.

Greyhound prides itself on personal service which provides prompt, efficient, cost-effective, safe delivery of all products. Greyhound provides technical advice and distribution of Certified Reference Standards and Materials, Laboratory Consumables, Solvents and Reagents across all scientific disciplines. Greyhound Chromatography offers over 1 Million products from its UK warehouse. The team at Greyhound are proud to support the work of the world's leading scientists and chemists as they challenge the abuse of our planet and try to make a difference to the world we leave behind for our ancestors.

You can view Susan's Linked In Profile here https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-massie-79ab4121/