Purospher RP-18 is designed for peak-tailing free chromatography of strongly basic compounds with simple, neutral mobile phases. Thus, method development time and consequently analyses costs are reduced. Additionally, Purospher® RP-18 allows the separation of hydrophilic compounds using up to 100% aqueous eluents.

The key for understanding the properties of Purospher® RP-18 lies in the chemistry of the base, high purity silica with virtually no metal contaminants present. In addition, multi-step chemical modification and deactivation by polymeric coating and amino shielding of the surface eliminate unpredictable interactions from residual silanols.

This results in symmetric peak shapes of basic and chelating analytes without the addition of any modifiers to the mobile phase. Due to the amino endcapping step, Purospher® RP-18 is not suitable for the separation of acidic compounds. The high chemical stability of Purospher® RP-18 permits the usage of mobile phase conditions at pH 8 for a long period of time without decline of performance.

Purospher® RP-18 benefits:

  • Symmetrical paaks for basic, chelating and polar analytes
  • Fast method development for basic cmpounds.