Dimefluthrin CAS 271241-14-6
Chem Service Certified Reference Standards
Why Choose Chem Service?
Chem Service, Inc. - We Set The Standard. Want to know more about our company? See profiles of the people who help make Chem Service, Inc. the best in the business.
Chem Service is accredited to ISO Guide 34:2009, ISO/IEC 17025:2005, and registered and certified to the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System for the design, development, production, distribution, and servicing of organic neat and synthetic reference materials.
Chem Service, Inc. offers the convenience, cost savings and reliability of 1,000's of Certified Standards Grade Organic Chemicals at your fingertips.
Whether your lab is big or small, disposal fees are a concern. Our products offer you the ability to have 1000's of different chemicals at quantities ranging from 100mg to 10gms; thus, reducing disposal costs.
Over 95% of our neat Standards Grade materials have a purity of 98.0% or greater, and have been analyzed by three or more (where feasible) independent methods of analysis. These do not require purity corrections when preparing a solution for use with EPA methods. Our more than 13,000 organic and inorganic standards, and solutions, support EPA Methods, ASTM Methods, State UST Methods, Air Monitoring Methods, and International Methods. We offer explosive residue standards, PCB congeners, petroleum hydrocarbon standards for the petrochemical industry, pesticide standards, FAME, and vitamin standards for food analysis.
Tel: +44 (0) 151 649 4000
Email: marketing@greyhoundchrom.com
About The Author
Susan Massie, Sales & Marketing Director, Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals Email: sue@greyhoundchrom.com
Susan Massie is the Sales & Marketing Director for Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals, affectionately known as 'Greyhound' in our scientific community. Greyhound was founded by Susan's husband Paul Massie more than 40 years ago, Susan hasn't been in the business for all of that time but has been involved with Greyhound for over 19 years. Greyhound continues to grow, expanding into new markets and taking on the challenges of our ever changing environment. It's heartwarming to witness the world waking up to the fact that we are damaging our planet on a daily basis. Every action we take has a direct effect on our planet and the world we leave behind for future generations. Susan is passionate about climate change and is happy to work in an industry that can have a direct effect on reducing the impact of our actions on the environment. All of the team at Greyhound take our responsibilities very seriously, the products that we supply are used by the world's leading scientists and chemists as they endeavour to monitor and repair the environment. All is not lost, if we all take responsibility for our actions, from reducing our waste and reusing or recycling our material collateral we can make a difference. The internet is full of useful advice and guidance, Susan is proud to contribute to that wealth of knowledge whenever she can.
Greyhound prides itself on personal service which provides prompt, efficient, cost-effective, safe delivery of all products. Greyhound provides technical advice and distribution of Certified Reference Standards and Materials, Laboratory Consumables, Solvents and Reagents across all scientific disciplines. Greyhound Chromatography offers over 1 Million products from its UK warehouse. The team at Greyhound are proud to support the work of the world's leading scientists and chemists as they challenge the abuse of our planet and try to make a difference to the world we leave behind for our ancestors.
You can view Susan's Linked In Profile here https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-massie-79ab4121/
You can view Greyhound Chromatography’s LinkedIn page here https://www.linkedin.com/company/greyhound-chromatography/